How to trim the autumn roses that next season they bloom magnificently and were not ill

  • Dec 24, 2019

Roses - beautiful flowers that can decorate their presence any site. As is known, these beauties require regular attention to himself, that like without due care simply will not grow and bloom. When the summer comes to an end, and work in the area becomes smaller, it is time to take care of roses, namely, to hold its autumn crop.

This process should be carried out without fail, because due to pruning rose more resistant to winter weather and more luxuriant bloom the next season.

In this article I will tell you exactly when to take up the tools and how to carry out pruning plants.

So, the most favorable period for pruning roses is considered to be the time from mid-October to mid-November. However, it is better in this case focus on the temperature of the air, as if to start in cutting warm weather, the plant will produce new shoots, and this, in anticipation of cold weather, is highly undesirable. Therefore, stable wait "minus" - somewhere between 0 and -5 degrees.

Of course, each rose variety requires an individual approach and trim, but there is a general scheme that is suitable for each kind.

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Sam cut should be beveled, Escape cut off at an angle of 45 degrees to 0.5 cm above the kidney. Naturally, all the tools, whether secateurs, a knife or scissors, should be disinfected with alcohol.

Then remove all the roots are old and diseased shoots, and we cut off basal shoots. On average, you should remain 5 - 7 good young shoots.

Yes, I say separately about pletistyh roses - they do not need pruning. Of course, to hide them in the winter for this reason it is problematic enough, but still, in the process laid the whip horizontally.

after trimming Roses need to prepare for winter - I usually wrap up the bushes film previously by pouring into sawdust. This helps protect the plants from the condensate and therefore from rotting.

Shoots that were cut, can be used for cuttings, to have home-grow "fresh" planting material.

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