My "secret" that brought me this season a rich harvest of pepper

  • Dec 24, 2019

Pepper is the birthplace of Central America, and the kinds of useful crops - more than 2000. In our region, this heat-loving Southerner he settled down quite well. Pepper is not only rich variety of appearance, but also vitamins, which are vital to man. Rare vegetable can match the usefulness of the Bulgarian prince.

If you want to grow on his land this culture - check out my tricks, which led to a rich harvest this year

The secrets of growing peppers

Main trick - making fortified composition into the hole for the plant. This mixture will be a good food source for pepper and will "work" at all times until it will grow.

When it comes time for transplanting, need to do to deepen and fill each well by a third this lineup: ash, grass clippings and compost. If you take the chopped nettles - it will be perfect. Please note that a lot of ash is not necessary - a handful will suffice. Next fill the compost and grass in a ratio of 1: 1.

Expanding the dressing, pour and sprinkle it, and only then proceed to the planting of pepper. The combination of compost, ash and weeds well

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nourish seedlings nutrientsThat increases the number of fetuses.

This method of cultivation makes life easier for the Cottagers, because during the cultivation of pepper You do not need to make any more dressings - in the soil already has everything you need. But the tie and timely watering - the main requirements.

If there is wet and hot weather - Make sure to remove the lower stepchildren. Experienced gardeners recommend the removal of the central flower on the bush and attract insect pollinators - it also helps to increase the yield.

Pest and disease control

Like any culture, bell pepper is subject to various diseases and pests.

The most common diseases of plants:

· White rot;

· Blight;

· Apical rot;

· Macrosporiosis;

· Blackleg;

· Septoria spot.

Thanks to we used ashes during the growth of seedlings, we will protect the plant from many pests and diseases. No disease in the garden I have this year was not, which led to a good harvest, of which I handed to their relatives.

Using these tricks into practice, you get a rich harvest of sweet pepper.

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