How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon

  • Dec 24, 2019
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When buying a watermelon, we are engaged in a kind of lottery, so how do you know, sweet or not, you can only cut it tasted home. But, There are several tricksWhich will help to reduce the risk to a minimum, and choose from the very ripe berries.

In this article I will talk about what you should pay attention when choosing a watermelon, so it definitely lived up to your expectations.

So, of course, the most delicious and ripe watermelons can be bought closer to the end of the summer, as it is to this time they begin to ripen. When buying a watermelon in July, its naturalness and sweetness, you can not rely - as a rule, these berries are grown on nitrates and dyes.

Next - size. In this case, more - not better. Ideal weight watermelon - 5 - 7 kgIf you want more, it is better to take a couple of berries.

The very color of watermelon can tell how much of it of nutrients - more contrast than its light and dark stripes, all the better.

Pay attention to watermelon "tail" - it should be dry. The same applies to the "buttons", from which grows the tail - if it is wet, then the fruit is still nevyzrevshie.

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Peel ripe melon should be elastic and very hardSo even if you will try, you will not be skolupnut her fingernail.

As a rule, the place that touched the ground with watermelon Aging, at the ripe fruit rich yellow or brown, but White spot It suggests that watermelon in the garden did not have time to ripen.

Another way to check the ripeness of watermelon - throw it into the water. Yes, the market is a "trick" will not work, but still. If the watermelon comes up - it means he is uniquely ripe and sweet.

And, of course, do not forget the watermelon "shuffled" - put it on his hand, and the other good "slap" on the side. It must be resonant sound, thanks to the fact that in the pulp of the ripe fruit has microvoids. If the sound is different - so it is better not to take a watermelon.

At the end one can summarize all the information in the form of a picture:

So, always use these methods for the determination of ripe watermelon, not to throw your money away by buying unripe berry from unscrupulous sellers.

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