How I got rid of the overgrown with acacia on the site. A simple way to

  • Dec 24, 2019

Once we bought a suburban area, I immediately began to dignify his and began, of course, with the most overgrown parts of it. If the weeds are not any problems arise, then here in the field, where previously adorned with acacia trees, there were some difficulties.

So now I can talk about it calmly, but at that moment I was downright panic - growth simply absorbed precious meters of my garden, Though it happened almost in front. Yes, I admit, at that time I really thought that this is a global problem in my life, however, is probably the way it was.

It did not help absolutely nothing - I constantly had to cut more and more new sprouts, that the speed of light sprout out of the ground. By the way, I also pull out their tried - the result I was not pleased. When my spark of hope to cope with acacia completely faded, I have decided to resort to the use of special drugs that are supposed to have been at once to spare me from the torment. I bought a hurricane, but by studying the instructions, I realized - he could hardly cope with my grove, as the need to apply it in the trunk, and they have me as such, and not.

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But there was nothing, therefore, tried to remedy the largest branches. As expected, the experiment was not crowned with success - overgrown again did not respond to my efforts and continued to grow and irritate me with your presence.

However, Somehow I came across a salt packageI filed for icy tracks in the winter season. Do not know what guided me at the moment is likely to despair - I went and poured out the whole package to the newly cut twigs of acacia. Sprinkled with salt and forgot. But what was my surprise when I noticed that the new seedlings have ceased to appear. Yes, imagine the growth process has stopped to this day acacia me no more worries.

Here in this primitive way, it turns out, you can get rid of the overgrown with acacia. Now at this point I have adorned gazebo. Just want to warn that salted territory then nothing can not grow - the plants will not be accepted.

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