I found a simple way, which helped to remove traces of adhesive tape

  • Dec 24, 2019

I think each of us at least once in life, but tried to pull out the tape from a surface. Suppose it was not even the tape in its pure form, but simply the product label pasted caring manufacturer forever, such as a microwave oven.

I faced the same problem after the holidays, when New Year's Eve the whole family decorated the window snowflakes. Of course, other than tape, nothing else of mold on the window did not come up. When the holidays are over, all winter paraphernalia together with duct tape, I easily removed, but only the adhesive, from which it was impossible to get rid of a little eyesore.

Yes, the first time window with glue not attracted attention, but after a few weeks, when the adhesive base stuck dust mountain look like it was not aesthetically pleasing.

Waiting for the weekend, I was armed with all the means at hand, which, in my opinion, could help solve the problem of glue, started its work. But to my disappointment, or a pair of scissors or a nail file, and even more so washcloth and soap are not coped with the task.

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Yes, of course otmylas dust, but the surface still remains sticky, which means it will again stick dirt.

When I spent on this futile process a lot of time, my last desperate step was means for removing lacquerAs well as a hair dryer, by the way, I also did not help - only hot glue smeared on the surface and left a large stain on the window.

Now, I moistened cotton pad nail polish remover and I went through the glass. At first nothing happened, but after three - four repetitions, gradually began to soften the glue. I even was able to clean the nail a couple of centimeters, but stopped in time - remembered one gizmo that is a long time without work stood in the far corner of the closet on the balcony.

It wasbychny building "Solvent 646"Remaining with the repair times. I repeated to him the same shenanigans as with nail polish remover, and lo! Traces of glue on the glass just does not become! I easily laundered windows and spent on it no more than 10 minutes.

Just I want to warn you that it stinks terribly, but the result is worth it! Now my microwave oven and laptop finally got rid of the hated labels, and I opened the window, get rid of the nasty smell of solvent. So take a mental note - this is the best way to remove adhesive residue from any surface!

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