Things to do in the garden and in the garden, which needs to be done in August

  • Dec 24, 2019

When I had just started gardening, something not to miss important moments of care for the garden and planting time proshlyapil any crops It accounted for each month a mini-plan. Over time, this small list is firmly kept within my memory, so now I'm doing on the machine.

In this article, I just did want to share with you some of the recordings, namely, on the month of August, I think they will be useful to many and will help to organize your vegetable garden work correctly.

So, first of all go through the crop plantsTo bring all the flower beds and flower beds in order. I, for example, grow peonies that should sit. This process is best carried out in mid-August, as during this period the plant is particularly well outsource this kind of "jolt".

Roses, by the way, you can quietly prepare for the cold. I'm starting to gradually reduce the number of irrigations, moreover, shoots more this season will not be cut - from August, the plant will have enough time to adapt to the arrival of winter.

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We now proceed directly to the garden beds. Let's start with those crops to be planted in August - is radishes and some varieties of spinach.

Next, if you have a garden growing beets, Inspect the leaves, and if they were yellow, take care of the introduction into the soil of potassium chloride per 1 sq. m 30 - 40 grams will be enough. Can also be a little thin out planting, the plants feel comfortable.

As for the raspberries, then it's time to think about her feeding. It is best to make the solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, by adding 2 tbsp. l. each component in the 10 l water. This fertilizer helps raspberry bushes resume power and normally transfer winter frosts.

Pepper also, incidentally, would not hurt to feed. The best option for it to be dissolved NPK, and which should be watered every bush.

For strawberry It is also necessary to allocate a little time - tidy beds and water the plants with a solution of NPK.

And finally, the final event - the support under the fruit trees. Do not neglect it, because the only way you can keep your garden in the integrity and safety, protection of all its "inhabitants" of the unwanted branches calving.

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