What to plant in July freed beds

  • Dec 24, 2019

In July, released part of my garden, so so beds just were not empty, I drop them on other cultures. Which ones? I'll tell you in this article.

As a rule, the first free centimeters on the site I have come to the place of cultivation of radish, lettuce and garlic. After these "tenants" I carefully weeded soil, add compost and compost, and then thoroughly loosened and leveled with a rake.

For example, this year, first caught the eye, remaining from last year, pea seeds, which I carefully kept in the fridge - it just did and went to bed after the salad.

For a start, before boarding, is done in the soil small groove depth of no more than 8 cm, then they are well moistened with water, seeded pea seeds and sleep on top of the ground. With peas can not be afraid thickened beds, as this plant is normally feels in these circumstances. By the way, if you do not have pea taste, you can instead put green beans and radishes, but remember that you need to have time to plant beans until early August.

If we talk about a bed of garlic after

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And there will be great to feel strawberries, beans, fennel and zucchini. I prefer the latter, so seeded several varieties. Yes, it is worth mentioning that it is necessary to select those species that will tolerate well fluctuations temperatures, starting in August - the day when it is hot outside, and at night it becomes quite cool.

For, to squash quickly ascendedI proceed as follows - I cover planting conventional plastic bottles, the more their size - the better. Thus the beds better retained moisture and stably kept warm, even in the rainy season.

And of course, do not forget about green manure - mustard, wheat, rye, and others. - they perfectly restore the structure of the earth in the beds after planting.

So I alternating landing on its site - usually vegetable garden I have "lives" all season, since the empty place after the harvest, quickly occupy the other culture.

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