Is it possible to transplant the seedlings raspberry and whether they will bear fruit. My experience

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Raspberry - one of my favorite fruits, so on my site grows several varieties - and red, and yellow. Of course, I try to give her good care, in order to harvest enough not only to feed the family, but also good to make stocks for the winter.

Previously, I somehow did not seek to increase the area of ​​its raspberry trees, so the growing shoots or distributed to neighbors, or just threw out, as the time to transplant all the way is not enough.

Last year, the cases I have, finally diminished, so the vegetable garden can now devote more time twice. Of course, the first lesson, which I decided to do was transplanting seedlings, since they throw out, my hand is no longer just a rose. In this article I want to tell you exactly how I transplanted raspberries, as well as to share the results of their efforts, which, by the way, I was very much pleased.

I confess, I used often wondered whether it is possible to transplant raspberry shoots and whether they bear fruit. And just this year, when he saw on his summer cottage juicy berries in the transplanted bushes in the year, I can say with confidence that yes! While plants have undergone transplant, absolutely calmly reacted to the change of "place of residence" and just in front of "settled" in the new beds. Nothing super special about me in the process of transplantation is not done, though, as it turned out, this kind of action does not take much time.

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Here are some tips that I used during the transplant overgrown:

Plant raspberries in the eveningWhen there is no scorching sun - so the plant will be much easier to transfer "shake".

Dig a hole, and then a well-moisten it with waterThat formed inside something like a "thick cream". In the bed of plant shoots, sprinkle with the ground and necessarily Zamulchiruyte - so long as moisture is retained.

Do not worry if you suddenly notice a damaged when digging the spine - such seedlings are growing very well and do not lag behind their entire "brothers" in development.

Best of all the small shoots are acceptedWhose height is no more than 10 - 15 cm, the rest to the arrival of a little more time is needed.

That's how easy it is to get another raspberry grove, for example, at the end of his yard.

As you can see, everything is easy, and most importantly - effectively and, as it turned out, very tasty!

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