Effective fertilization of plants against pests and a decoction of the dandelion

  • Dec 24, 2019

I remember as a kid with my friends wove a wreath of dandelions on the head of the doll and cooked foods - these memories inadvertently occur in my mind, when on the road I found the yellow suns.

But who would have thought that it is incredibly hardy plant, which many call a weed, It can bring us favor in the garden?! I used to be fascinated by the study of dandelions - I wondered whether they really does not get sick, and whether they have pests. And digging on the internet found many recipes for fertilizing garden plants whose main ingredient and are the dandelions.

I immediately decided to try a couple - just at the time of such goodness I had a small car and truck. I share with you those solutions which are prepared itself - they have a pleasant surprise, and, judging from the garden beds, plants, too, have taken to heart.

First of all tell you about dandelion decoctionTo help cope with aphids, caterpillars, leaf rollers, and other such pests. For this recipe we will use only the roots and leaves of dandelions are their need to be crushed. Further liter jar Dandelion "cutting" fill of 5 liters of water and boil for about 5 minutes. The cooled broth filter and it so that it is better to stick to the plants, add liquid soap. Everything is now possible to start pest control - after that, they will disappear quickly.

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The following use of dandelions - plant food. There already can be used completely - and roots, and stems, and flowers. Dandelions, as in the first case, it takes a lot - fill the crushed plants 1/3 of a bucket, and fill the rest with water. The infusion should be maintained for at least a week, while the top of the bucket should be covered with a lid. Every day, the solution must be mixed, but as there are signs of fermentation - can be used on beds - usually a liter of dressing I dilute three liters of water.

These uncomplicated recipe I have chosen for your garden and, as for me, the plants in the beds such innovations very much.

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