I'm at his dacha is saved from the bites of mosquitoes and black flies. A simple but effective recipe

  • Dec 24, 2019

I guess not everyone can work in the garden in full sun the sun, I have, for example, after such feats unbearable headache, and in addition there is a breakdown of the next day. So I try to highlight a few hours in the garden after sunset, when the air cools down a bit after the heat of the day. But here is not without problems - begin to overcome mosquitoes and gnats, After which the body starts biting unbearable itching, and in some people, I know, and did swelling occur.

I tried to buy a variety of creams and ointments, but realized that such an option is strongly "hit on the wallet" - funds are not cheap, but they have enough if we consider the fact that you need to be smeared from head to toe, briefly. And I fortunately found an alternative option to all pharmacy ointments, which, firstly, - a budget, and secondly - not less effective. Recipe for such a solution will share right now, so you immediately have tried this miracle solution for yourself.

For the preparation of remedies for insect bites, we need just three ingredients:

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vinegar, vegetable oil and shampoo. Simply mix until smooth 3 tbsp. l. vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (olive I have, but you can use a simple sunflower) and 1 tbsp. l. shampoo and pour the mixture in a convenient bottle (I use the empty jar from under the lotion).

Before each access to the garden I smear a good all exposed areas of the body and feel free to go to my garden beds - in the process I do not bite no mosquitoes or gnats. If you are worried about the odor, then hasten to please you - vinegary flavor is felt in all the first couple minutes, and then disappears, shampoo pleasantly fragrant body much longer.

During the evening water treatment, this tool is quickly washed off, but due to the fact that it is part of the oil, the skin becomes soft and tender.

So take adopt this wonderful way to help protect yourself from insect bites - you will no longer pester pesky mosquitoes and midges while working in the garden!

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