Two great ways to help get rid of the pests in the currant bushes

  • Dec 24, 2019

Currant - a very valuable berry, I would even say that the currant - a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, which are important for the body of each person. Knowing this, I try as much as possible to give currant bushes, so in the end I get a good harvest. Of course, part of the fruit we eat at once, but be sure to freeze for the winter - currant tea will help handle any cold and useful porridge with currants in the morning will set the tone for the whole day.

But before, when I was still a novice gardener, my currant simply overcame butterfly sesiidaeOn which I just was not paying attention.

Over time, my currant bushes began to wither, and the biggest of them all simply dried up. After that I began to actively pursue work on the mistakes and knew where it made a mistake. Now I want to share my knowledge with you, to save you from such a nice-looking, but very dangerous enemy, like a butterfly with transparent porches from which you can easily get rid of using the tar or fitoverm.

It turns out that sesiidae butterfly - the most vicious enemies of currant - samochki lay their eggs on the shoots plants, and then hatched from them larvae penetrate the stem and doing a it moves, causing a bush dies. Since larvae hiding inside the stem, to get them out simply unrealistic therefore to save the plant, you need to get rid of all the damaged shoots.

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But it happens, and so that has nothing to rescue - the damage can be the whole bush. In this case, it must be burned, Moreover, put on the same place a new plant can not be - the larvae can remain in the ground.

To scare away the pest and make sure that she did not want the butterfly laying eggs on bush, you need to use a regular pitch. You just need to spray this solution (20 g per bucket of water) all the leaves on the bushes, and more such butterflies to your site will not come.

I also helped drug such as Fitoverm. I receive 2 mL and diluted with a liter of water. Next, sprinkle them plant.

Both of these methods have proven effective.

This way I've checked up on their own garden, and now that the year sesiidae butterflies fly around my side currants.

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