Major errors in the cultivation of tomatoes, because of which the yield can be significantly reduced

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Growing tomatoes on their own garden - the process is quite long, not to mention the fact that the tomato beds need to invest more, and a lot of effort and patience.

Experienced gardeners know that the only constant and proper care of the tomatoes can be a guarantee of a good harvest. I would like to share with you his the system of cultivation of tomatoes, which I enjoy itself already for many years - thanks to this plant grow healthy and fruits in the end - juicy and very tasty.

The first thing I would like to draw your attention - watering. The main thing in this case, to stop in time - I mean, that a large amount of water tomato garden beds only need the first two weeks after planting, when the seedlings stronger Root system.

Further the amount of water should be reduced, Otherwise the plant will give all their energy to the leaves and stems. For example, I am guided by the ground state - when it becomes dry, and then it's a run time.

Concerning garter stems, The main thing here - accuracy. I myself happened too over-tighten twine Squirting stems to a trellis, and then tomatoes clearly lagging behind in growth and development, and some fall off the stems and all.

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Then it go about removing leaves. Here, many gardeners and make the mistake of thinking that the more the leaves break, the better for the crop. Part of this statement is correct, that's just remove enough for 3 - 4 of the lower leaf from each plantBut leave the stems completely "bald" is certainly a good idea.

And finally I want to say arrangement of tomato plants in the garden. Do not spare the place and do not put plants closer than 55 - 65 cm from each other - if the distance is less, then the tomatoes It will be very difficult to grow, and as a consequence - the bushes will be sluggish and shaky, and the harvest certainly will not be a pleasant surprise.

This, in my opinion, the most basic considerations when growing tomatoes. Take advantage of these, tested on personal experience, tips and you will ensure a rich tomato crop.

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