Effective ways to help grow sweet tomatoes

  • Dec 24, 2019

Many people grow vegetables in their suburban areas, and almost all have a greenhouse with tomatoes or tomato bushes were planted on an open plot of land. But some tomatoes sour, watery, and sometimes even tasteless, but someone has dense, bright, sweet. Such nice and add a salad, and just so you can eat in a fun, and cook lecho and preparations for the winter to stock up. And so I want to try a sweet tomato, how to grow it?

How to prepare the ground?

Most importantly, before the experiment to check the acidity of the soil, because if the soil is alkaline, the method will not help.

When all the checks carried out, take 2 teaspoons of ordinary baking soda to 4-5 liters of water and carefully pour in the roots around the stem. Soda can also pour not diluted in water, a quarter cup per plant, and pour around the stem. Soda makes the soil less acidic, it helps the tomatoes become sweeter. Better to try this method first on one stalk, to check the validity.

When to start feeding?

When tomato reached the size of 3-4 cm in diameter, you can add a soda for the first time, and the second - when dorastut to about half its size (by grade).

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Other ways to increase the sweetness of the fruit.

- also to increase the sweetness of tomato, the time of flowering can be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate (3 g in 10 liters of water defended temperature of 22 degrees Celsius);

- as soon as the tomatoes will become red color can feed their wood ashes. Prepare a solution by adding to 10 liters of water 250 grams of ash per bush leaves an average of 0.5 liters means;

- if there's a tomato basil will grow, it will also help the tomatoes to be sweeter;

- Iodine helps tomatoes to grow more fleshy, large, they can even ripen earlier. The proportions are the same as with wood ash;

When planted seedlings should be a lot of light, the tomatoes generally are very fond of bright, warm, sunny weather, then they grow bigger, juicier, tastier.

Better to choose a sunny, south-facing plot for planting in open ground and exposing the greenhouse. The site must be protected from the wind, and planted bushes need so that they were not crowded, it will help the stems grow, there will be more of the ovaries and fruits, respectively, too.

Watering should be frequent, but not very much, the water should not stand long in the bush roots. Daily watering will make the tomatoes watery, tasteless.

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