Effective way, or I get 25 kg of cucumbers with only one bush

  • Dec 24, 2019

This secret with me shared a neighbor to testify. She only garden 3 weave on which it receives every year a rich harvest of vegetables.

Many beginning gardeners think that the more they will plant the plants, the more they will harvest. They all forget one thing - without due care, meaning to grow something in your garden at all. It is necessary to take not quantity but quality!

I did everything according to the advice of his neighbor, and in the same year received a decent crop.

How to obtain 25 kg of cucumbers with a bush

1. Opt for a high yielding variety of cucumbersWhich must be resistant to various kinds of diseases. This means that with the right care, cucumbers are healthy and do not require any chemicals. And one more thing - I advise you to choose an early variety of cucumbers - that he will give most of the crop. I chose a variety:

Not for nothing, this variety was named Garland. When he grows up - as the fruit garlands lining up at the plant. It is the most productive variety, which I planted.

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2. Manure makes the high flower bed height 60 cm. In the garden of this I make a recess and drop to pre-bought seeds.

This method gives a warm cucumbers, as a result they begin to rise fairly quickly and then tied a large number of fruits.

For greater effect, I put the arc and cover cucumber wrap.

3. mandatory fertilization. When the plant begins to grow, I make organics. During this period, cucumbers needs nitrogen for rapid growth. The large quantity of nitrogen contained in the weeds. To do this in advance, I do compost pit and in this way get fertilizer for vegetables.

The second time I make fertilizer, using mineral fertilizers. The final dressing is introduced at a time when the culture begins to bloom and bear fruit. The most important point - I use only pure natural fertilizer. Chemistry, try not to use it.

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