How to quickly and correctly to grow cilantro on a windowsill. Step-by-step instruction

  • Dec 24, 2019

No one today is not a secret that many people are trying to grow the "vitamins" on their own windowsill. Cilantro - a very popular herb that has an original taste, aroma, and has a rich set of vitamins necessary for human. Along with the parsley greens like to add to many dishes or eat as a standalone product.

The combination of herbs with fresh vegetables provides a luxurious bouquet of aromas and a whole storehouse of nutrients. The gastronomic establishments cilantro successfully added to sauces to cooking expensive fine dining.

Step by step instructions cilantro growing

Grow green coriander on your window sill is quite possible only by creating favorable conditions for its growth, and it is not so difficult. Essential-oil varieties, it is desirable to select, such are:

• Amber;

• Ray;

• Change.

The seeds should be fresh, no more than a year of manufacturing terms, the higher the age, the more the probability of greenery. Quality coriander seeds germinate in any case, some of them give the first sprouts very late.

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For a quick harvest can hold the seeds of cilantro several days in damp sawdustThat they are slightly sprouted.

The soil for the germination of this crop should be a mixture of sand, so you can prepare yourself, or buy ready-made ground in the nearest flower shop. At the bottom of the container for planting pour drainage layer on top of the soil and then spread to a depth of no more than 1 centimeter seeds. Planted seeds once well watered and covered with foil, greenhouse effect should be maintained until the first green. Container with cilantro should be not in direct sunlight, and daily have to open the film and lightly spray the plant with an atomizer.

After climbing rostochku first film is removed, and coriander containers put on a sunny place for further ripening. Full foliage matures in about a month and it is already possible to pluck and eat while enjoying the incredible aroma. Cilantro is very whimsical to temperature - the heat is not for this plant. Upon detection of inflorescences on plant tops of their recommended immediately cut off at the root, to give continuation to the following crop. Tear for food is not completely necessary to the grass because it can later be killed and not to give more green.

Features of cultivation on the windowsill

The priority - to grow green coriander on the balcony, but if any opportunities you have, you can place the containers in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees. The sun's rays contribute to the rapid emergence of blossoms and greenery will be a little cilantro.

High-quality care is very important for growing plants in the home garden, cilantro should be fertilized at least once in two weeks. Tasty and aromatic herbs obtained in the first month of occurrence, during this period it is better to use in the food, then it loses its incredible taste. In order to achieve the harvest is abundant, it is worth the new seat coriander seeds every twenty days in a different capacity.

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