How to grow a plum tree and gather a rich harvest of every year

  • Dec 24, 2019

Plum - has long been widespread, and to a certain extent undemanding tree, without which it is difficult to imagine any garden or vegetable garden.

Characteristic features of the tree

Planted in soil drainage during the first years of its development is growing fast enough, especially in the area of ​​the top - sometimes figures exceed meter indicator. And it depends on the variety, which will largely determine the height of a young tree. Will vary and the volume of the crown grown plums. Gradually, all the shoots grow more slowly, but the size of crops grow.

About three or four years after planting the tree begins to give the first crop, which then does not cease to grow in numbers. The process usually starts growing tree indexes at temperatures of about + 8 degrees Celsius, and if zero indicator is not able to damage the ovary during the formation of flowers, the omission of temperatures significantly below freezing can be fatal.

It should be remembered that the plum love water, so do not skimp on good irrigation area, where they grow. The very nature of the land for the tree is not the key, but high-quality soils yields will be several orders of magnitude higher. The important point is and purchase quality material for planting. Infected various harmful fungi, viruses, poorly watered shoots will not be able to give on the result of good harvests. Therefore, we must pay attention to the certification of the purchased product and place of purchase.

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obtaining seedlings

Material for a landing may be prepared by various methods. Usually just grown seedlings. However, this method can not provide high-quality transmission of useful qualities. If you use a method of using seedlings at the root of the plum, the result can be obtained, or a stock (in the case of vaccination), or all the same growth, which the whole garden zarastot soon. The result will be the need for a long vykorchovyvaniya a number of plants.

quality seedlings

The best method is budding - grafting of cultural seedlings seedlings of wild cherry plum, directly in the neck root. It is important to avoid severe damage to the disintegration and large roots. It suffers not only the tree, but the garden - all in danger of notorious overgrown undergrowth. As rootstock, alychovoe tree is resistant to poor soils, low temperatures, dryness. Moreover, it is absolutely suitable to any sort of plum. In southern latitudes room for plums are used where an apple tree can not grow. In general, a plum tree does not suffer unless the marshy land and excessive salinity.

Plot and fertilizers

For the preparation of the garden should be treated conventionally - pull out the weeds and make the appropriate varieties of fertilizer to the ground. Then it plowed, cultivated, break and drilled hole diameter and depth required. In the case where the soil is very poor in productivity, we can bring the quality of soil and fill them pits or the transfer topsoil down.

planting period

Usually planted plum better in the middle and the end of autumn, but also allowed the first half of the spring period. Either way, you need to dig pits prepared and pour to the ground in advance, and only then to dig to a desired depth. Best time for planting - morning and evening, preferably in the absence of wind and frost. It is necessary to examine sazheny the absence of damaged areas and on indicators of average height.

Can shape the future of the crown by cutting a seedling at a height of a little less than a meter. It is important to avoid dryness of the root system and ensure that the fine roots appeared on a par with the major. The roots of the landing should be straightened, and the land on the result of carefully compacted and watered. Vaccinate should be at the level of a few centimeters above the ground, as will certainly be followed by a drawdown that just provide the room necessary to place inoculation. Insufficient or excessive height have a negative impact on the growth of plum.


In the process of planting fertilizer should not be in well with plants. Plum is quite strong in terms of growth, in and of itself, and excessively fertilized soil will be a real platform for violent growth of weeds. You should wait for the formation of a good harvest and the crown, and only after that to feed the tree of nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers.

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