How to grow cabbages in the country and get a good crop

  • Dec 24, 2019

Cabbage - a culture that is cultivated by several generations. It differs from other cultures and diversity of species is derived from wild species growing in North Africa, Western Europe.

Cabbage rich in trace elements necessary for the person (phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium), vitamins C, essential acids, mineral salts, rich in fiber, which removes toxins from the body and restores the bowel.

Cabbage suffers minor frosts of -7 to-8 degrees. Seed germination occurs at a temperature of + 2, + 3 ° C, the temperature required for the growth of +12, +15 degrees.

There are several groups of cabbage use:

For long-term storage. The ability to store a long time without losing its taste. Its feature is that it is hard and leaves a bitter taste (Amager grade).

For pickling. These grades contain large amounts of sugar leaves and loose head.

Eating fresh, this early varieties. This group is characterized by rapid growth and large-sized cabbages, rot. Shelf life very little about 2-3 weeks does not lose its taste.

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Growing seedlings

Selecting varieties and reading timing of the growing season to begin sowing seeds. It is advisable to plant seeds in the separated containers to later in the further transplantation not to damage the root system. Seedling emergence takes place at a temperature of 18-20 ° for 2-4 days, and then transfer them to a cool place where the daytime temperature is approximately 18-20 degrees, and at night at least 12-14 degrees. While the seedlings growing in containers requires constant monitoring of soil moisture. Grown in this way does not require seedlings pricking. We planted it in the ground with the appearance of 4-6 true leaves, the root system by the time someone opletet land and transplant it does not fall apart.

Seedlings are often damaged by fungal disease - blackleg, to avoid it is necessary to prevent the seeds. Before sowing soak them in a weak solution of manganese (potassium permanganate) or buy already processed seeds. Conditions affecting the development blackleg: illumination, maintaining a certain temperature and low humidity.

The planted soil for 3-4 weeks at a distance from each other of 40-50 cm, the hole is dug to a bayonet shovels and entered fertilizer or compost from manure, then sprinkle the ground to the bottom of the sheet. Watering every day in the morning (about 1 liter) directly under a bush, and on the day in hot weather, it is desirable pritenit (I put aspen branch with leaves). Cabbage during the entire growing season weed and podryhlyayut.

The pest control spray twice by special means. The first time one week after the landing of the crucifer flea beetles, and a second time from cabbage butterfly caterpillars. Watering produce abundant but rarely depending on the soil. In regions where the black soil watered once or twice per season can be made, and in regions where the soil is sandy produce watering more often as the soil dries.

To harvest, depending on the type: for long term storage and use fresh harvested before frost, and for processing and pickling after the first frost to left bitterness.

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