10 time-tested techniques for those who are obsessed with cleanliness

  • Dec 24, 2019
10 time-tested techniques for those who are obsessed with cleanliness.
10 time-tested techniques for those who are obsessed with cleanliness.

Newer - does not mean better. This rule often finds support in life. The funds used for commerce and costly techniques for cleaning and care of the things you can remember a couple of good old life hacking, which were used even by our grandmothers. After all, they really work, with little or no cash expenditure.

1. Removing stains from clothing

Lemon copes with a lot of pollution. / Photo: cdn.tgdd.vn.
Lemon copes with a lot of pollution. / Photo: cdn.tgdd.vn

Lemon - a universal tool that copes with most pollution. To remove stains from clothes, upholstery or car seat covers, you need to make a mixture of lemon juice and salt. The resulting formulation is applied to pollution and left for half an hour. When the time expires, the fabric must be washed under warm water, then wash in the usual way in the washing machine. Stain remover of lemon can be used, even for delicate fabrics.

2. Means of a deposit

Even seemingly invincible contamination can be removed with a simple tool. / Photo: i.ytimg.com.
Even seemingly invincible contamination can be removed with a simple tool. / Photo: i.ytimg.com
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If you forget to turn off the pan with the potatoes in time at the plate can be seen fairly deplorable sight. Soot from burnt food is difficult to remove by conventional means and methods. However, if you fill the pan with hot water and add a few drops of dishwashing detergent, and then bring the mixture to a boil, you can quickly remove all traces of the incident. This technique pretty quickly softens the deposits, which can then be gently clean off wooden spatula.

3. Universal tool in the fight for the purity

Perfect cleanliness together with the baking soda will become more accessible. / Photo: 98fmcuritiba.com.br.
Perfect cleanliness together with the baking soda will become more accessible. / Photo: 98fmcuritiba.com.br

Use baking soda can to clean anything. With the help of easy to manage chronic contamination, unpleasant smell is removed and updated things around the house. Baking soda - a mild abrasive and a natural deodorizer, which is ideal for bleaching tissues, return a pleasant freshness in the refrigerator, clean dishes from fat accumulation and more another.

4. Oil guard clean shoes

Remove sticky stains quite easily if you use olive oil. / Photo: i2.rozetka.ua.
Remove sticky stains quite easily if you use olive oil. / Photo: i2.rozetka.ua

If your favorite shoes or other shoes got tar, grease, or other sticky substances, they can be removed by using olive oil. To use this technique, you just need to pour a little olive oil on a soft cloth and then rub her shoes. Sticky patches will be destroyed the first time.

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5. Peanut oil for hair

Kids will love the peanut butter, not only for the taste, but also to good use. / Photo: navseruki.guruReklama.
Kids will love the peanut butter, not only for the taste, but also to good use. / Photo: navseruki.guruReklama

The children are constantly happen all sorts of trouble. One of the most common accidents, when baby hairs stuck chewing gum. Do not immediately take up the scissors and cut the hair with a sticky substance, because they can save by using peanut butter. This unusual tool makes chewing gum rapidly harden and become less sticky, making it easy to remove it by hand.

See also:How to remove creases and bumps on the old shoes to make them look better than new

6. Effective weed control

Murder by using boiling water can not be considered a real murder. / Photo: user74272.clients-cdnnow.ru.
Murder by using boiling water can not be considered a real murder. / Photo: user74272.clients-cdnnow.ru

Cleanliness and order must be not only a home, but also on the street. For those who live in a private home, it will be very useful advice to eliminate weeds. They are easy to handle with the help of boiling water, which should be poured directly on the unwanted vegetation. The method is ideal for sidewalks and adjoining areas.

7. Cut the sponge in half

Unexpected reception to maintain cleanliness. / Photo: sneznoe.com.
Unexpected reception to maintain cleanliness. / Photo: sneznoe.com

It may seem strange, but this decision will extend the life of the sponge several times. In addition, cutting the sponge in half, you can avoid problems with bacteria: a porous material will be significantly quickly and completely dry out, so it will not breed any pathogenic and dangerous microorganisms.

8. Gloss cutlery

With toothpaste in hand, you can do amazing things. / Photo: elsiglodedurango.com.mx.
With toothpaste in hand, you can do amazing things. / Photo: elsiglodedurango.com.mx

Excellent means for cleaning and conventional silver cutlery considered toothpaste. It quickly removes any plaque, pollution, and the darkened area. To do this, life hacking, simply wipe the silver things toothpaste applied to a soft cloth, then rinse with water objects, dry and grate.

9. Ketchup and purity salt

An interesting composition for polishing pots. / Photo: foodbay.com.
An interesting composition for polishing pots. / Photo: foodbay.com

Need to quickly rub metal utensils to a perfect shine? With this help ketchup mixture with a small addition of salt. It needs to be put on the cloth with a small amount and then rub it in a pot or mug up until all impurities are eliminated. Usually it takes a little time.

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10. pure decoration

Mineral water without lemon - for decoration. / Photo: xcook.info
Mineral water without lemon - for decoration. / Photo: xcook.info

Mineral water is not only useful for the organism. If it is mixed with a small amount of detergent for dishes and used for the purification of any jewelery, the result will not wait long. It will take only 5 minutes to remove plaque, remove debris from the grooves and ornaments give a radiant shine.

And here is a simple tool, which is the home each can to shine wash floors throughout the house.
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