Creating a vegetable garden for beginners: On that first of all to pay attention

  • Dec 25, 2019
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If you have never grown vegetables and you had no garden, and now you decide to start, the article will help you. Cultivation of vegetables and flowers, is very simple and can do it for everyone. You can ask a question: where to start?

Firstly, you need to find a site that will be about 6 hours in the sun and easy access to the water, all that is necessary for plant growth.

Secondly, the need to know what type of soil you have, in order to make certain fertilizer as needed.

Soil is generally evaluated on fertility and texture. Fertility is a combination of essential nutrients and pH, which are readily available to plants. Texture is the size of the soil particles.

There are three major nutrients required for plant growth - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Nitrogen is responsible for the health and growth of foliage plants, but it does have one drawback, nitrogen is rapidly cleared from the soil. However, excess nitrogen can lead to the rapid growth of the plant, but the fruit will be small.

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Phosphorus is important for root growth. Bone meal contains phosphorus, so it is applied to the soil before planting. It affects the beneficial flowering plants.

Potassium is responsible for the overall condition of the plant. He helps the plant to be healthy and strengthens the immune system. Since nitrogen and potassium are water soluble, so they need to be replenished periodically.

The texture of the soil

Sandy soils have large particles, so it is not dense and rapidly pass water. Water, air and plant roots easily pass it.

Clay soils, in which the particles are too small, so it is so dense. Water, air and the roots have difficulty passing through it.

You can do a simple test, take a handful of wet earth and crush it into a ball, then press your finger. If someone has broken, then the soil is sandy, and if you press the index finger on the coma left fossa, means the soil is clay. In order to change the texture is not worth it to make fine sand.

organic substances

Organic matter obtained by digestion of plant or animal waste (manure) yet it is called compost. In the soil there are certain organic substances, but they are not enough for the proper growth of the plant. Rot organic matter, or humus can give your soil, what it needs. Sandy soil retain water longer and clay soils is better to allow air, water, and for the development of the root system.

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