How to deal with Medvedkov (kapustyankoy) in the garden

  • Dec 25, 2019
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Mole (kapustyanka) is a large insect which is able to gnaw through thick roots of plants, and the insect feeds and seeds, and roots, and root vegetables. Medvedkov also hard to kill the insect is not afraid of water can move through the air, quickly dig underground tunnels.

From the attack of the insect most affected plants such as cabbage, potatoes, carrots, pepper and tomato.

If the garden there were small holes and mounds, it is likely that this hole mole crickets. Day of passive and insects are underground in burrows, but in the evening start active, flying and running around. With the onset of cold weather should not relax if the area has a dung heap, then that is where cricket will hibernate until spring.

It is necessary to know the way of life of an insect

Mole lives in the soil with high humidity levels, enriched by a humus. Therefore, it is in humus mole crickets will conduct most of his life - to multiply. It is worth noting that they multiply very quickly. Females mole crickets can lay up to 500 eggs in the period from late May to early June. But themselves nests can be several, and every 500 eggs. Yourself mole crickets will be born in a few weeks, and then immediately filled the land. The most active mole crickets will, when the soil temperature warms up to 15 degrees.

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How and what to deal with Medvedkov. Folk remedies

The main ways to combat Medvedkov are: the creation of traps, obstacles; digging the garden; feed bait with poison; traps with humus.

1. Eggshell. To start the shell itself must be dried and crushed. Then it was poured unrefined vegetable oil and added to the so-called planting holes. This is a good soposob that protects the seedling roots from pests.

2. Kapustyanka can not stand the smell of alder and aspen. One can use green branches of trees.

3. You can also use onion peel. The recipe of: in one bucket of plain water to put 1 kg of dry onion peel. Advocate for 5 days. Ready infusion is better to use after the rain, and then it should be diluted with water (1: 4). Watering is repeated several times a week.

4. Spruce branches. They need to be cut into small pieces, and then mulch the soil between the rows.

5. Traps from manure. This kind of struggle against insects most often used in spring or autumn. Since that time, the mole crickets are still in hibernation. trap principle is very simple: at the beginning of May, manure piles must be expanded across the garden. The insect will do there eggs. These heaps iznichtozhayut then.

How and what to deal with Medvedkov. chemical agents

Chemical agents undoubtedly necessary for the rapid destruction of the garden from pests. Especially if the eggs have hatched and the number of insects too. The most important thing when using chemicals is follow the instructions and do everything carefully. It is also necessary to take care of personal protection: gloves and a mask.

1. "Antimedvedka". Suitable during sowing or landing plants.

2. "Fenaksin plus." It is convenient because it can be used not only for sowing of seeds, but also after, when there will be shoots.

3. Terradoks. Universal remedy.

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