How to grow plums, to always get a good harvest

  • Dec 25, 2019
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Plum is very popular with gardeners because of its unpretentious in the care and rich harvest. Tree fine root in any section and frost resistance.


Breeders have several hundred varieties of plums. But apart from edible varieties of plums emit more breeds, which boldly decorated gardens.

The most popular varieties: Victoria, King, Plum Kuban, Honey White, Anna Shpet and many others. The color of the fruits of these plums red - yellow or purple, and yellow flesh. Ripe fruits are juicy, sweet with a delicate flavor.

Plum yellow color, bred in European countries, grows mainly in Europe. The most popular variety is the yellow plum variety Reine Claude Verte. Also in Europe is widespread hybrid of plum and cherry plum, it is made into a variety of jams and compotes, and there is a popular plum brandy.

In Russia, the most common hybrid plum cultivars Hungary's, Opal, Ariel. Plums - a favorite plant of many gardeners, from her cook compotes and jams.


The easiest way to grow a plum - planting. It is best to plant a plum fall.
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Well, you need to prepare in advance for a few weeks, its depth should be about half a meter. As well, you need to make fertilizers: phosphorus and potassium. Next seedling deepened still about thirty centimeters covered with earth, mixed half with manure.

Tree must be strengthened using the garter with a rope to a peg. This will help protect it from the winds. After planting, the trunk need to whitewash, so it will not attack the pests.


The tree loves moisture, so it needs to be watered frequently to carry out, as the soil dries. Watering is especially important in the autumn, when the weather is arid, with no rain.

Regular weeding of weeds is a prerequisite for breeding plums.

The tree needs dressing. Fertilizers must be applied several times a year: in the spring - organic fertilizers, in the summer - mineral (superphosphate, potash, ammonium nitrate), and in the fall - manure again.

In the first year after planting the plants important point is the formation of his crown. Therefore, in the spring, until the tree is not dissolved the kidneys, it is necessary to cut it dry and broken branches, and twisted branches must be shortened by about one third. The same procedure should pursue and fall, after the harvest, and prepare wood for overwintering.

Diseases and pests

Most often plum tree is attacked him birds and plum moth. Combating moth carried out using chemicals. They can be purchased at any garden store.

Improper pruning can lead to the fact that plum fruit will rot inside from the stone. It is therefore important to observe the correct pruning.

If the gardener to detect fungal plant, these areas must be removed from the tree, and place slices to process garden putty.

It is important to spray the tree in spring and autumn for the prevention of infection with fungal diseases and attacks by pests.

Plum - undemanding plant that grow under the force of any gardener!

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