What gardeners experienced using iodine in the garden and vegetable garden

  • Dec 25, 2019

Home first aid kit is in every house, one of its components - is iodine. It can be used not only for disinfection of skin lesions, but also for getting the plants from disease, as feeding, to increase resistance to disease.

For some plants, and how to apply iodine:

1. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplant - all these plants belong to the Solanaceae family, which often suffer from late blight. As a prevention of the disease can be used iodine-containing solution every 2 weeks. In 10 liters of water diluted with 5 drops of iodine, the resulting liquid to be sprayed and watered each bush at the root.

2. Grapes. It is necessary to process every 10 days, as the grapes often affected by downy mildew and botrytis. To prepare the solution needed bucket of water, 20 drops of disinfectant and a liter of milk, preferably skim. The first treatment should be done, when fully rolled grape leaves.

3. Strawberry. Iodine is used for root and foliar feeding, for the prevention of certain diseases, to example, powdery mildew and late blight, because it means has antiseptic properties and kills fungi. In order to adjust work enzyme systems should in 5 liters of water to dissolve 3 drops of iodine and then each well to spray bush. As prophylaxis of diseases should be diluted in a bucket of water and 5 drops means shed thoroughly ground under bushes.

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4. Cabbage. This culture responds well to iodine-containing dressing, so during the formation of heads should be abundantly watered each plant by mixing 30-40 drops of iodine with a bucket of water. It is advisable to do it in the evening after the rain, so the ground was already wet. Or pre-shed beds with water from a hose.

5. Cucumbers. Cucumber diseases affected frequently, so it is desirable to handle the solution every 2 weeks. To do this in a bucket of water soluble 6-8 drops of iodine, and then each plant is treated with an atomizer. Additionally, you can water the plant by the roots after spraying. Because of this root system is not rots, and the leaves begin to turn yellow prematurely.

It is believed that this disinfectant is also useful for growing seedlings, so many gardeners fed them fruit. This should be done when the seedlings will begin to produce leaves. It is necessary in 2 liters of warm water to dissolve 1 drop means, and then gently pour each germinating seed directly under the root. This procedure helps prevent the development of diseases, pests scare, to stimulate growth. Also, before planting the seedlings into the soil, it is desirable to treat a bed with such a solution, carefully Strait them.

Iodine-containing solution is also used for control of ants, aphids are diluted, for the treatment of trees and bushes, to prevent rot of fruit development.

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