2 easy ways how to remove the old tree stumps in the country without uprooting

  • Dec 25, 2019
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Old stumps left after the cutting of large trees, can be easily converted into the original, bright and beautiful flower beds. But how to remove or uproot the stump, when he had not needed?

Fire burned away the stumps

So, make a hole in the middle of the stump. It should be noted that the diameter and the very depth of the hole will depend solely on the size of your stump. It pour kerosene and leave for the day. By evening, we add more kerosene to soak the entire stump. When the stump will have a wet appearance, he means well soaked. Now stoppered hole. The stopper can be made of bars or remnants of branches.

We are waiting for a week, then open the stopper, topped up with a little bit of kerosene and then set fire to the recess. Soak up the kerosene lights too later. So not a cunning way I get rid of the stump of any size without the heavy uprooting.

method №2

I have left is another easy method to remove all the old stumps from the suburban area. Just sprinkle plenty of coarse salt and then the timber itself is gradually impregnated with this salt will deteriorate. This method is not fast. Somewhere in one year any stump transformed completely into dust.

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The only disadvantage of this method is that the soil may suffer and I would recommend to use this method when you need to clear a large area for further construction.

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