Sweet pepper - my secrets planting and growing

  • Dec 25, 2019

Bulgarian, or as it is called sweet peppers rather thermophilic and capricious plant. However, the thick-skinned vegetables worth it to spend it once. Therefore, we should prepare for and carefully select a variety that will grow in the garden.

In heated greenhouses grows best Isabella, Ruza or Charm. For open ground suit varieties such as Golden rain, amber or yellow bouquet.

In late February - early March, the seeds need to sow in pots with soil mix. pepper seeds germinate tight and, as a rule, they are coming up just two weeks after sowing. And if the land is cooled, then the owner please pepper can and after three to four weeks.

In order to seed quickly hatch, they need to be soaked before planting in the ideals. Some gardeners to accelerate germination, first immerse them in hot water (40 degrees) to ten hours and then put the seeds in moist wipes (in the afternoon - the room temperature at night - 10 degrees). After the seeds swell, they begin to harden for a week, namely, fifteen hours, kept at room temperature and then for ten hours in a refrigerator. Such painstaking preparation of the seed allows you to develop a certain resistance to stress in plants that will further allow pepper is not sensitive to the fluctuations of day and night temperatures.

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Grow seedlings of sweet pepper on the windowsill a little more than 60 days. The plant is not so demanding to light, such as tomatoes, but in more northern latitudes seedlings must additionally illuminate an angle of 450.

Once the stem begins to branch or bifurcate fork is formed in the center of the bud, which must be remove, as will be further significantly retard the development of the plant, demanding to a lot of nutrients substances.

To plant pepper plants can be in the greenhouse or in the open ground, depending on the climatic zone of residence, after the night frost.

With good preparation of seeds and growing compliance regulations, sweet peppers after five months (depending on variety) will please their owners aromatic flavor and a set of vitamins.

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