The cranberry is useful and why her strong demand in the Americas

  • Dec 25, 2019

This could be the beginning of a long friendship: in the autumn of 1621 the first English settlers in America was celebrated with indigenous to Thanksgiving - with roast turkey, pumpkin, corn bread and tart sweet and sour cranberries. But since the native population was almost completely destroyed, the ancient knowledge of the healing power of berries almost forgotten. By the end of the 20th century, with the growing interest in natural medicine cranberry it was at the peak of popularity, and for good reason.

High demand for cranberries

The highest demand for cranberries - in North America, where large-fruited varieties are grown on plantations. Basically it is used for juices and dried fruits.

In Russia, there is a fresh berry on sale in the fall. At the height of the season of colds it is indispensable for the maintenance of immunity (especially for a company with sauerkraut). But in dried and frozen cranberries accessible all year round, at the same time it does not lose its beneficial properties.

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How useful cranberries?

Native Americans knew how to extract the juice of red berries of poison wounds from arrows, so that they heal quickly, and how to treat the common cold cranberries. The sailors were successful in preventing the terrible scurvy with the "red gold" - later, scientists found that these small beads contain a fair amount of vitamin C (more than kiwis) and help strengthen the immune system.

We cranberries is best known as a natural natural cure for urinary tract and bladder. Studies have shown that antioxidants in the juice can prevent the bacteria damage the bladder and kidneys, and, therefore, have a preventive effect. In chronic inflammation of the consumption of cranberry juice or extract may also be helpful.

It is also easy to cope with cranberries and pathogenic bacteria of the stomach and mouth. These berries include many minerals and fiber and are good for the heart, as they contribute to the formation of healthy cholesterol. This berry can be considered one of the healthiest foods.

How to keep the cranberries?

Fresh fruits (unwashed) is rapidly frozen at -18 ° C, they can be stored in the freezer for about a year. Berry does not need to be defrosted, but simply to pour cold water. Frozen berries cranberries are different in that they bounce up and if you let them fall onto the work surface - four air chambers inside provide this wonderful effect.

Dried cranberries are added to desserts and sauces, game and fish. The Christmas baking many Europeans use dried cranberries as an alternative to raisins.

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