The correct plug for round tube with his hands

  • Dec 25, 2019

Friends, all welcome on our channel, dedicated to all those who have mastered their own welding, or thinks about it. Here we try to give real information based on many years of welding practice, you will not find in the welding textbooks.

With round tube sooner or later have to deal with all newcomers self-taught, and so today will tell a specific topic, how to make a plug for round tube by hand.

For example, take a piece of circular tube, to end this pipe we have to do the cover.

But we'll do the cover of such diameter that it came inside the pipe. I believe that to do so much more aesthetically and more convenient if you suddenly have to repair the tube at this point.

After all, if the plug weld overlap on the outside diameter of the pipe, then, for example, place the wall will is difficult in terms of repair, and if the plug within the pipe, the approach to the end position in any available pipe.

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Yandex source pictures

You can use the caliper, or buy ready-made plug on Metal, but if this is not possible, you can use here is a clever way!

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It will take just any piece of paper, applying it to the pipe end, obstukivaem hammer paper in a circle.

And here it is, ready-made template of paper with the desired diameter.

Draw out on a piece of sheet metal mold is made of paper, cut out his small grinder, if you suddenly have a surplus in diameter, cut the plug, just grind them.

Here with us and get the plug to the desired diameter, which comes inside the pipe. Now take the magnetic pen, zanutryaem plug in the tube, we catch and then scald.

Friends, let's see the video with this method, there is information in Bole unfolded and detailed form