When welding arc is deflected in the direction of what to do? Tips for beginners

  • Dec 25, 2019

Friends, all welcome. Congratulations on holiday on 23 February. When welding has a problem such as deviation of the arc to the side. This is quite annoying, and interferes with the normal welding process, particularly for beginners. Let's look at why this is happening and how to deal with it.

There are several reasons. One is the non-uniform thickness of coating on the electrode, and the arc in the direction of a thin layer. In this case we say that the electrode trumps.

Still there is such a thing as a magnetic blast when the arc operates the magnetic field of the metal itself. There is also the arc deviation. Especially it often occurs in the welding corner joint on a thick metal when welding at a constant current.

For example, we take it and start to weld corner joint. Do as expected, we cleared the site welding and tack welding set. Naturally picked up before the main welding current to the optimal training zhelezjaki (for novices).

We begin welding, electrode leading angle and placing it back in the middle of the welded parts and at an angle of 45 degrees from the horizontal surface. The first few centimeters of the weld will be all right, and then arc can start to deviate in the direction of some kind.

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For a good example of this process, I have done here is a mock-purified from several wash cm electrode tip, apply the dye and bent to the side, so the deviation of the arc will look welding. And what do we do in this case, how to improve the situation?

There are several methods of weight you need to hang the wire as close as possible to the welding point. And welding to produce as much as possible short arc. All this is true, but it does not always help. A correcting the effect of the manipulation of the electrode.

And to make it easier and more convenient to manipulate the electrode-tip my work, inserting into derzhak electrodes 45 degrees. I have not always done, and once the welder older and more experienced to try to boil suggested inserting the electrodes are not under 90 and under 45 degrees. I listened to him, tried, and is still working so.

And as soon as the arc starts to deviate, we need to tilt the electrode in the direction of this deviation so that the arc is still beating right in the direction of our seam. And make the most of a short arc. Sometimes you have to pretty much tilt derzhak in which either side, but what to do? This is the most reliable and proven way to cope with the consequences of the problem arc deviations. Try, train, and all you get!

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