As far as possible to extend the welding cables to your inverter

  • Dec 25, 2019

All welcome. We continue to disassemble the necessary and interesting topics for novice welders, and on today's agenda is very important information, namely on how much you can extend the welding cables to your inverter. When you buy a new svarochnik, its long cable with gulkin nose! But if you're going to engage in welding within your garage, you do not bother and leave it at that.

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But if you're going to cook outside of the garage, here it is desirable to buy and supply cables for welding normal length. Welding cables differ in many ways, but we will focus on the most important - its cross-section, and which wire is suitable for your device, depending on its characteristics.

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The cross section of the cable for the inverter outputs welding current 80-100 A should be 6 mm2, the inverter 120-A-10 mm2, the inverter 180 A - 16 mm2, the inverter 200 A - 25 mm2, more will not continue, because this is the most numerous domestic inverter, for more powerful vehicles, this information can be easily found in Internet.

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Here we learned the necessary cable cross-section for your inverter, and now we can calculate the maximum length of the cable. And how do I do not know, just kidding just kidding! For this purpose there is a special formula (Lmax = Sk / k) where Lmax - the maximum cable length, meaning the total length of the plus and minus cables. Sk - the maximum cross section of the cable, copper cable is meant naturally and k - is the coefficient, but here it at currents of 200 - 500 A is equal to 2, and at currents less 200 and its value is divided by 100, Example 190 A Delhi inverter 100 and turns COEFFICIENT 1.9. Here we have gathered all the necessary data for the calculation, let's find out length.

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Take for example, the inverter 190 amp, its coefficient is 1.9, the desired cross section 16 mm2, divide by formula and obtain the result of 8.4 meters, well let round and get 9m - that this total length minus the positive cable and possibly to such an apparatus, well there as you like 9 meters and divided into derzhak mass. Now take 200 amp inverter and calculate all the formula, we get 12.5 meters total length. As we can see that the more powerful the machine, the greater the length of the cable, we will be able to deliver it. Knowledge is power !

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Although formulas formulas, and on my 200 amp inverter both cables 10 objects, and I work it already 6 years. I like it when I can connect a mass near the site of welding.

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