"Well hell," How we were trying to find in the Soviet Union underworld

  • Dec 26, 2019

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The legendary road to hell.
The legendary road to hell.

Loved in the USSR great things and spread literally everything. That was in the Union dug one well, which today bears the title of the deepest on earth. And so that's how people are, it is impossible to dig a huge hole in the ground and does not spawn a dozen other legends that it is not that well at all, but the real road to hell. But first things first.

Drilled here such tips.
Drilled here such tips.

Kola ultradeep well - it is the deepest artificial hole in the ground made by man. It is this object in the Murmansk region, 10 kilometers from the city of Zapolyarny, in a westerly direction. The depth of this hole - 12 262 meters. Its diameter at the top is 92 centimeters. In the lower - 21.5 cm. An important feature of the SG-3 is that, unlike any other wells for oil production or geological surveys, this was drilled solely for scientific purposes.

Plans were great.
Plans were great.

Well was founded in 1970 on the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth. The selected site is remarkable in that the well was drilled in the outcropping of volcanic rocks older than 3 billion years. For a better understanding of the issue, we note that the age of the Earth is about 4.5 billion years. When mining wells drilled rarely deeper than 2 thousand meters.

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The work went for days on end.
The work went for days on end.

Drilling began May 24, 1970. To the level of 7000 meters of drilling was going easily and safely, but after being hit in the head less dense rocks problems began. The process has slowed down. Only 6 June 1979 was a new record - 9583 meters. Previously, he was installed in the US oil producer. Mark of 12,066 meters was passed in 1983. The result was achieved by the International Geological Congress, which was held in Moscow. Subsequently, the complex occurred two accidents.

Now the complex is abandoned.
Now the complex is abandoned.

In 1997, the media has passed several legends about what Kola ultradeep well is the real road to hell. In one such legend says that when the team is down to a depth of several thousand meters of the microphone, there were heard human screams, moans and cries. Of course, nothing to do with reality it does not, though, because that for a sound recording in the well at that depth using special equipment, but it did not fix anything. The complex actually happened a few accidents, including an underground explosion occurred at the time of drilling, but no underground "demons" geologists certainly not disturbed.

The very well conserved and is in decline.
The very well conserved and is in decline.

It is really important that the TOS-3 employed 16 research laboratories. In the days of the Soviet Union, Russian geologists were able to make many valuable discoveries and a better understanding of how our planet is arranged. Work at the site has significantly improved drilling technology as such. The scientists were also able to understand the local geological processes that have received comprehensive data on the thermal regime of mineral resources, underground gas and deep water.

Unfortunately, today the Kola ultradeep well closed. The building complex is destroyed after the 2008 final laboratory was closed here, and all the fittings are removed. The reason is simple - lack of funding. As of 2010, it has already been well conserved. Now it is slowly but surely being destroyed due to natural processes.

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