Choice, placement and connection of electricity meters according to the rules

  • Dec 26, 2019
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With self-connecting new electricity majority of users faced with certain difficulties of organizational and technical nature. Overcoming them is important to understand with what organizations are responsible for control of the device and installation which rules (restrictions) on its installation are provided regulatory requirements.

Preparing to Install

The preparatory phase need to choose the right instrument accounting model, and get permission to self-install. Without these mandatory procedures the user is not able to ensure the integration of the energy consumed and legally formalize the connection counter to the existing power grid.

Getting permission

To solve this problem will need to do the following:

  • Apply in "Energosbyt" in order to obtain a permit for the installation of a new product, having issued it in a standard format.
  • After its approval - to invite a representative of the management company (CC) or a specialist of the same "power sales".
  • In the presence of the connection is active the input object with the subsequent sealing of the counter.
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Important! If you just need to update the old instrument - need to invite a controller that will make the act of replacing it and lock the current reading.

Only after that, the user has the right to remove seals and to do further work. If they are damaged in the absence of the representative of the "power sales" - he will have problems with the organization, followed by the application of penalties.

Choosing the type of counter

Despite the diversity of modern accounting devices, the principle of their operation is the same. Said similarity allows for choosing the right products to focus on the standard indicators presented below:

  • the type of mechanism.
  • Type of voltage.
  • Accuracy class of the device.
  • The maximum detected current.

They differ not only in design, but also its size. By type power counters are single-phase and three-phase, and divided by the accuracy class model with exponents from 0.5 to 2.5. On sale today presented new models with a permissible error not exceeding 2.0. Experts recommend choosing these metering devices.

Overcurrent electricity meters are divided into models with rated currents up to 60 amps and instruments, designed for high performance. Since residential buildings consumption levels rarely exceed 50 Amps - usually purchased the model of the first category.

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Especially important this point for tenants of private buildings, where the meter is located at the interface between the two owners: the Criminal Code, and the master of the house. Logically, it would be wiser to install it inside the home, if not one "but."

In line with the current Government Resolution № 530 the consumer must provide access to metering devices to the persons responsible for the removal from his testimony. This determines the place of the meter installation in private homes, whose owners are forced to make it outside the home (to place on the front, as shown in the photo below).

On the other hand on the basis of PUE (paragraph 1.5.27) accounting device should be located in dry areas, where the average temperature does not drop below zero. To overcome this contradiction, to remote devices invented special boxes, which provided heating their body. According to the requirements of the same height of placing such standards box may vary from 0.8 to 1.7 meters.

Wiring Diagrams

metering devices of the circuit differ by the following features:

  • voltage type (single phase or three phase).
  • Limiting the nominal current (50 amps or greater).

In accordance with the first item on the order of switching different number of contacts involved (photo below).

When connecting the three-phase appliances it is important to take into account the maximum current consumption, depending on the which applies a direct connection scheme, or it is produced using transformers current.