How to connect sockets train?

  • Dec 26, 2019

In today's residential real estate used by multiple appliances for different purposes. By the nature of the connection to the electricity network can be divided into groups:

  • with a permanent connection (chandeliers and wall sconces);
  • a quasi-permanent connection (fixed appliances such as a refrigerator, electric oven, washing machine);
  • the temporary connection (computer, TV, reading lamps, vacuum cleaner, Grinder, etc.).

In the first case, to enable the device applies a conventional switch. Voltage power supply 220 or 380 to the other device through the outlet and for directly activate such devices are provided with toggle switches, push-button or changeover switch.

Basic rules of construction of a network socket

household outlet system has the following features:

  • taking into account the many potential consumers of a large number of sockets installed in living areas;
  • depending on the type of installation sockets are divided into embedded and external (example integrated socket shown in Figure 1);
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  • aesthetic parameters and breadth of outlets offers allow you to use them as an element of interior design;
  • sockets can be connected via a dedicated line or a "loopback".
Picture 1. A typical embedded rosette execution module ground contacts
Picture 1. A typical embedded rosette execution module ground contacts

Leased lines (star connection) are characteristic outlets serving consumers with a capacity of more than 1 kW (flow heater in the bath, hob). To supply other devices using sockets, which are connected to an electric junction on a loop, i.e., consistently.

Technical choice of such a scheme follows from the fact that:

  • any device consumes low power, domestic mains the current is not more than 1 A, and in most cases much less, then how to choose the loop cable can withstand the current load of up to 10 - 15 A;
  • unlikely the simultaneous operation of all connected devices, which significantly reduces the load.

A big plus daisy chain - a significant reduction in the volume of labor-intensive shtrobleniya walls.

Features daisy-chain

Daisy chain connection is applicable both to individual outlets and their group in one block. An example of the latter compound shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Daisy chain connection sockets of one block
Figure 2. Daisy chain connection sockets of one block

When building a "daisy chain" of the outlet system, in addition to a certain level of aesthetic indicators need to be sure to provide:

  • overload protection cable loop;
  • the required level of operational reliability.

Overload protection, which is a guarantee of the cable fire, is provided at the stage of network planning and on the linear part of the wiring is achieved by:

  • selecting the section of the conductive cable cores (best to take this cable with a conductor cross-section 2.5 mm2);
  • using cables verified manufacturers who do not underestimate the conductor cross-section relative to the value specified in the product labeling.

These activities complement the best one for the response threshold of protective device.

Figure 3. Options daisy socket connections (top - right, bottom - incorrect). The ground wire is not shown
Figure 3. Options daisy socket connections (top - right, bottom - incorrect). The ground wire is not shown

The required level of operational reliability of the formed loops is achieved in that the outlet can not be connected in series conductor, i.e. as shown in the lower figure 3.

The only valid way to connect to the circuit - only by means of taps (Figure 3 above). Such an arrangement preserves the continuity guaranteed grounding circuits.

The lower diagram of Figure 3 is operable in the normal mode. However, the burning-off when it contacts one of the outlets following it loopback deenergized due to chain scission.