Why can often burn out LED bulbs?

  • Dec 26, 2019
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Switching to LED lighting promises huge energy savings. It would seem that there is a benefit, but tangible breakthrough has not happened yet. What prevents people from mass use of LED light bulbs?

The first thing that comes into their heads - this is the price. Indeed, the semiconductor light bulbs more expensive than incandescent bulbs, but it is not the main reason. After all, they pay for themselves within a year, at the expense of savings.

Fig. 1. LED lamp
Fig. 1. LED lamp

The second reason is that the bulbs often burn out, and the consumer economy instead bears the additional cost of buying a new LED device. A convincing argument, but just only in relation to cheap LED light bulb. Quality products are used for a long time and pay off with a vengeance.

Let's see why LED bulbs often burn out and how to fight it.

The reasons for the failure of the LEDs

The manufacturers claim that LED bulbs are able to operate for long periods without visible defects. And this is true, but with the proviso that the device provides a stable nominal supply voltage of light emitting semiconductors chain.

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It must be said that the known world companies adhere to these requirements, so their products meet the standards set.

The LED emits cold glow when it is applied to the constant voltage electrodes of 1.5 - 3, depending on the type of semiconductor. Above this voltage the diode breaks down - breaks the zone of its p-n junction.

When significant excess current may even cause a fire. I dare say that this is the main and only reason for burnout LEDs.

Some craftsmen called one more reason for the LED output of the system - frequent switching (flashing). Strongly disagree with that.

If the voltage drops within the nominal values, it does not affect the performance of the LED. In this respect I am in agreement with the manufacturers, who argue that semiconductors can withstand an infinite number of flashes (of course, within the limits inherent in their operation of the resource).

Apparatus LED bulbs

The design of the semiconductor light bulb is clear from figure 2.

It consists of the following components:

  • one or more reflective panels on which LEDs are mounted;
  • high voltage driver;
  • cap, adapted for the conventional cartridge;
  • aluminum radiator;
  • glass matt flask.
Figure 2. The structure of the LED lamp
Figure 2. The structure of the LED lamp

An important part of the product is a driver. It ensures a stable nominal voltage to power LEDs. These devices come in three types:

  • active stabilizer;
  • a switching regulator;
  • the driver on the basis of the capacitive damping resistance (Fig. 3).
 Figure 3. Scheme LED lamp driver
Figure 3. Scheme LED lamp driver

The causes of burnout

  1. Capacitive resistor-drivers are often found in cheap lamps. They smooth out small voltage changes, but can not provide a sufficient level of stabilization that is often caused by a blown LEDs. LED bulb with long driver can operate in networks where the voltage is stable, but if the first tangible increase capacity, they fail.
  2. The second reason for burnout light bulbs - a malfunction of the power supply. In most cases, the rectifier bridge diodes are punched or electrolytic capacitor driver (see. Fig. 3). Provoke such problems can be a bad contact in the electrical box.