What's wrong with electric cars? 3 their main minus

  • Dec 26, 2019

The emergence of new technology makes our world a better place. For example, when a long time has been invented internal combustion engine.

This invention gave rise to the appearance of vehicles for faster movement of people around the world. A little later on the electric light there. The electric cars have turned out more perfect, because their efficiency is much higher than the "petrol brother." And nature, they cherish more ...

But it is not without its drawbacks. For the opportunity to go quietly and dispersed to have to pay something for a few seconds. Than?

Now we learn. So, the main disadvantage of electric 3:

  1. First, battery charging rate. How not cool, but that would charge the electric vehicle will take longer than usual for refueling the car. But it is rather not a minus, but a feature. If you, for example, do not need to travel far, then your car will be charged at night or at a time when you do not need. Because the charging process for you will be virtually invisible.
  2. Second, the service
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    . Information about the fact that the electric needs no maintenance - a myth. Rumors of this kind have arisen because of the view that in an electric break nothing. But it is not so! Electric vehicles require maintenance in the same way as conventional vehicles, only a little less often. But save, even when these conditions fail. The next service will cost a lot more than a trivial change oil in a conventional car.
  3. Third, pricesa. A powerful electric motor, a large battery, lightweight body, attractive design - it all costs money. But where such a disproportionately high figure? The fact is that nowadays there are people who look for new technologies. And if the next technology to become too low, then it imposes a special tax, which, in fact, increases the cost of the finished product. In this case, the finished product - electric.

At the moment, the cost of one kilometer on the electric vehicle - is negligible. If electric cars were cheap, such a movement would be almost free. But our duty is doing its job and the starting price of an electric vehicle increases significantly. It is for this reason that we will never have a truly national electric vehicle.

Thus, the above listed three main minus any electric vehicle. This article does not in any way scolds electric cars and their owners. The electric car - a great invention and our inevitable future! Only with its own characteristics. And we just left to watch the new technology and hope that smart people think of something.