TOP 5 simple electronic circuits for beginners

  • Dec 26, 2019

Novice hams often begin their attempts at writing with sophisticated devices that take a lot of time and effort. Which sometimes leads to errors, fatigue and loss of any interest in tinkering homemade device.

Therefore, much better to start with simple basic schemes that can overpower any newcomer. To do this, we will look at the top 5 simple electronic circuits for beginners.

Driving №1. Children quack toy with flashing eyes

The scheme for the modernization of all the hollow device, which can be placed are willing to pay and supply battery. The most relevant embodiment are duck, frog, etc.

At the LEDs are inserted into the eye, an acoustic capsule is placed in all the openings of which will normally hear it. Schematic diagram is shown below:

Figure 1: Scheme quacks toys
Figure 1: Scheme quacks toys

To build it, you will need the following items:

  • Bipolar transistor (designated in Scheme VT1, VT2) in an amount of 2 pieces, in this case, the mark KT361B transistors;
  • LEDs for providing lighting effects (denoted in Scheme HL1, HL2) in an amount of 2 pieces, in this case the mark is used AL307B;
  • instagram viewer
  • Capacitors in an amount of 2 pieces C1 - 100mkF 10B and C2 - 0,1 microfarad;
  • The resistors R1, R2 is 100 ohms, R3 620 ohms;
  • Acoustic capsule BF1, this example uses TM2;
  • switch SA1
  • GB1 battery with the supply voltage 4.5-9 V;

Parameters sound oscillations can be adjusted by changing the resistance value of the resistor R1.

Driving №2 Blinking Flashlight

Used for manufacturing the device alarm or other alarm is set when a forced stop cars at night. You can also apply for other domestic purposes, it is sufficient to identify the body, which will be installed and the light board.

Figure 2: scheme of the blinking lantern
Figure 2: scheme of the blinking lantern

In this example, the assembly is used:

  • brand KT361 transistor VT1, VT2 brand KT315B 1 piece .;
  • transistor VT3 brand KT814B;
  • capacitor C1 and the capacitance per 10mkF rated voltage 12V;
  • Resistors R1 47 kOhm, R2 - 12 ohm, R3 910 ohms, R4 5.1 kohm;
  • Bulb 12V.

Driving №3 Auto light off

No action is required with a switch to de-energize the lamp power circuit. It can be used in the coverage of any premises or territories - you just press the button and disable happen after a specified period of time without your participation.

Figure 3: automatic shut-off lighting scheme
Figure 3: automatic shut-off lighting scheme

For its implementation you will need:

  • a transistor used in this example brand KT801A;
  • capacitor in this case is set 4700mkF model capacity and voltage at 16B;
  • a resistor with an ohmic resistance of 20 ohms;
  • Relay off to form logic used model RES22
  • to enable the operation button, the model of a single sentence without fixing.

Scheme 4 № rain sensor

It allows signal the precipitation by emitting sound signals. It can be used by vacationers and owners of private homes for their notification and timely adoption of appropriate measures in the rain time.

Figure 4: a rain sensor circuit
Figure 4: a rain sensor circuit

To assemble such a device, you will need:

  • a sensor outputting an electric pulse upon contact with water;
  • resistors and 10k for 330kOm;
  • transistors VT1, VT2, in this example uses the model BC 558 and BC548, respectively;
  • 3V power element;
  • uF capacitor 100;
  • a speaker or other sound generating device.

Scheme №5 touch sensor

This device allows to give a light signal in case of tangency of the two arm contacts. Schematic encoder implementation is shown below.

Figure 5: diagram of the touch sensor
Figure 5: diagram of the touch sensor

such elements are used for the assembly:

  • transistor, in this example sets model BC547;
  • resistor 470 ohms;
  • a pair of light-emitting diodes, but the number does not matter, you can install one or more;
  • Source 9 volt power supply

It should be noted that the LEDs for this sensor are chosen in such a way that, through them, a resistor current flows approximately 20 mA. If you already have LEDs with the given parameters, it is possible to use a resistive element with different face value, to obtain the desired current.

touch sensor will work if you will close its conclusions finger or palm thereby opens transistor and a current starts to flow through the circuit of the resistor and LED - light will trigger alarm.