The properties and features of the use of foam

  • Dec 26, 2019

In various repairs often necessary to fill cracks or gaps of different and sometimes quite impressive holes. Good for this purpose will approach the material as a construction foam.

Types of foam

It would seem that the whole foam is the same, but change its characteristics, separation of foam into species arise, respectively, depending on the composition.

differences criteria are based on the main component (substance), as one-component and two-component isolated foam. Depending on the composition of the different periods or conditions for the use of foam.

Separately, there is winter, summer or universal. The foam can vary according to the mechanism that is used for mounting the foam. Professionals, for example, use a special gun for household needs as you can use a special tube, which comes complete with foam. The same foam varies in flammability levels. It may be generally non-flammable, combustible or self-extinguishing.

Pros and cons

All relevant data is specified by the manufacturer directly to the cartridge with foam. As with any construction materials foam has negative and positive aspects of the use.

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To have a positive attitude:

  • versatility, as this material is used for an extensive amount of construction work;
  • high sound and thermal insulation properties;
  • material serves an excellent means for sealing;
  • Foam absolutely does not conduct electricity;
  • the complete solidification of the foam is not sensitive to temperature changes;
  • properly applied, it will last a very long time;
  • for the use of the material do not need special skills or abilities.

Although the material has a lot of good qualities, there are also negative.

These include:

  • so the material may disperse ultraviolet floor;
  • very poorly tolerate any moisture;
  • if the container with foam has already begun, it can not be stored for a long time;
  • material is extremely bad is removed from all surfaces;
  • It requires compliance with storage conditions.

Important installation subtlety

When using the foam is important to know that it is best applied to damp surfaces, it will provide better adhesion to the surface. Since the foam is destroyed by sunlight after drying it is necessary to close. Apply foam polyethylene, silicone, or various fatty meaningless surface, it will not hold.


If the foam is used indoors, it must necessarily be well ventilated. It is also required personal protective equipment, including a mask or respirator, gloves, goggles. Remedies are required for two reasons, the first is that the foam is redder badly washed off both surfaces and from the skin, the second is that its components can be toxic, which could lead to irritations. Balloon with foam not drop or keep close to something hot.