The use of copper sulphate in the garden

  • Dec 24, 2019

Copper sulphate is used in many areas. Use in horticulture to protect crops from pests and various infections.

Bluestone. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Bluestone. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Application in Horticulture

In the garden and in the garden a substance is used, due to the fungicidal and antibacterial effect. Composition completely destroys harmful micro-organisms, viruses and fungal infections, immediately stops the development of putrefaction. They sprayed branches of bushes and trees, vegetable crops that are prone to diseases caused by fungi.

Spraying against pests. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Spraying against pests. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Gardeners recommend planting three processing solution of copper sulfate. The first two procedures occur in the period up to bud and flower buds. Last spraying is carried out in late autumn, when all the foliage of opal.

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By using this structure is necessary to adhere strictly to the dosage and the number of manipulations. If you cook too weak mixture, it may not have the desired effect on the plants. When used excessively in the concentrated solution caused foliage burns, and soil quality greatly deteriorates.

The proportions for the preparation of the solution may vary widely. Everything depends on the cultivated plants, the time of the spraying and the challenges facing the gardener.

To carry out the antibacterial treatment of wounds in trees and shrubs need 10 liters of clean defended water take 300 grams of the substance, stir thoroughly and to cover the bare places which were without bark. If the composition to pour another 400 grams of powdered lime, the finished mixture can whitewash the trunks. The procedure will save from getting pests in the crown.

Carry out the manipulation permitted only 1 times per season. Otherwise it may cause burns and wounds in the bark, causing the gradual death of the plants.

When working with copper sulfate need to use protective gloves ensure that the liquid droplets do not fall on the exposed areas of the body, or mucous membranes. If it could not be saved, it must immediately place on which the dripped solution, rinsed with cold running water.

Care tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Care tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

In early spring, when the processing is carried out of the garden, which prevents the spread of leaf spot, the solution is much weaker. In one bucket defended or distilled water take 100 g dry matter.

For spraying garden crops often using 1% sulfate solution. It is great struggles with blight and mildew, but the number of procedures should not exceed 5-6 times per season.

Although the modern chemical industry is doing a lot of high-quality drugs for the treatment of plants, most gardeners prefer to use the old and proven methods.

Bordeaux mixture

Bordeaux mixture is a composition of copper sulfate and lime. The last component is several times increases the disinfecting characteristics of chemical compounds. On sale you can find ready-made Bordeaux mixture, which is scattered on bags with the necessary proportions, or prepare yourself.

At 1 bucket of water need defended sulfate 100 g and 150 g of ground lime. First, 1 liter of boiled liquid, wherein the soluble blue powder. Thereto was poured 4 liters of cold water, and the remaining 5 l - stirred lime. Then poured in a thin stream a solution of copper sulfate; it is not recommended to do the opposite.

The composition is mixed until uniform, filtered through cheesecloth and immediately used for other purposes. The balances must be disposed of.

some gardeners added to a mixture of liquid or liquor soap for improving adhering properties. Improve the characteristics of the composition of the help and sugar: 10 liters of water is sufficient to take 10 grams of sugar.

Before processing Bordeaux mixture backyard removed all the weeds, loosen the soil and watered, diseased plant parts are removed. If the procedure is carried out in the garden, it carried out a pre-pruning damaged branches and cleaning up fallen leaves.

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