What insulation mice do not bite? Results of the experiment.

  • Dec 27, 2019

It is no secret that rodents can seriously damage the communication in the home, and the very structure of the design. Rats and mice gnaw wiring, like to eat heat-insulating materials. Their sharp teeth suffer from water pipes, vapor-proof membrane, etc.

Photo source: service Yandex pictures.
Photo source: service Yandex pictures.

If the insulation and vapor diffusion-proof film will be a hole from this deteriorates the whole house insulation. Heat will soon leave the heater can get wet, causing the situation even more worse.

Therefore, we must know what kind of insulation will not be too tough for harmful rodents. A similar question has already been considered in 1992. Then American University students in Nebraska decided to set up an experiment. For the test frames are manufactured from boards, they are insulated with different materials.

The experiment involved:

  • glass wool,
  • Epps,
  • vermiculite,
  • Basalt and ecowool.
To obtain reliable results, the students ofbshili wall on the inside of 6mm plywoodAnd laid on the outside steel sheet. They then measured the thermal conductivity of the resulting all. Than 20 families of rodents were put into the room. Six months later, the students measured the thermal conductivity again.
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Photo source: service Yandex pictures.
Photo source: service Yandex pictures.

It turned out that the mouse is about the same degree of damage all heaters. They gnaw passages in the materials, build nests there. As a result, increased thermal conductivity of the panels. Walls steel heat give fivefold. However, it did not touch the walls, which were insulated with glass wool and ecowool. These materials are distinguished by an aggressive environment, so they are interested in smaller rodents. However, the thermal conductivity of the damage caused by this are not increased.

Photo source: service Yandex pictures.
Photo source: service Yandex pictures.

We can conclude

rodents equally spoil all types of heaters. They can build their nests and polymeric materials, and thermal insulating materials of natural origin. So what to do?

I see only one way out: all possible embodiments to limit harmful animals from entering the house. Other outputs I, unfortunately, do not see.