10 trends in the interior in 2019 under the version of Pinterest

  • Dec 27, 2019

Social photo hosting service and regularly takes stock of what is interesting to 250 million users from around the world. In this review - the most popular interior design solutions that designers will definitely use in 2019. And the main feature of this year becomes a living color!

1. mustard shade

Bright, rich, warm sunny shade in the interior steadily gaining in popularity. Not necessarily to make out the room in this color - just one accent wall or even a piece of furniture.

2. fireplaces

The luxury of a fireplace is only available units, but it is actually set in an apartment Bio Fireplace, or at least its imitation. The more modern is the idea, the better.

3. textured textiles

Tekstirirovannye fabrics and yarns are gaining popularity for several years. Designers and decorators attribute this to the urbanization and the desire of people to feel at home even if the absolute comfort and convenience.

4. Geometry

Choosing the type of wall paintings are increasingly designers stop at geometrical figures. They also take as a basis for tiles and flooring.

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5. tin tiles

In the Russian market tiles or panels made of pressed tin or tin still a rarity. But they - the continued classics in the West that we can replace the traditional volumetric tiles. The main thing - the effect of a vintage coat.

6. cacti

Succulents are unpretentious in the care and minimalist - perfectly written off in the Scandinavian and modern interiors. Including why they are popular for several years in a row. But now the trend has shifted somewhat: succulents are cacti give way.

7. vertical gardens

Previously green walls were available only landscape designers, is now the owner of any apartment or house, if desired, can try to grow a vertical garden. And their popularity is growing steadily.

8. painted floors

More recently we were surprised mats, painted directly on a ceramic tile. Now, drawing on the tile floor, and even - at the height of fashion. Someone draws a pattern by using a stencil, and someone just adds to the interior of saturated colors.

9. Return wallpaper

It should be noted, triumphant return! Their main advantage over the paint in unimaginable and inconceivable figures. And that such collections should be preferred.

10. naturalistic pool

If you happen to own a house or cottage, in the near future to equip the territory of the traditional pool it does not make sense. At the peak of the popularity of eco-friendly interiors with natural pools and notes changed. Now they are more like wild ponds or lakes. It is unlikely that someone would suspect in a man-made object.

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Author: Paul Shelyagin.

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