Proper planning of vegetable Neighborhood

  • Dec 24, 2019
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For many years it has been repeatedly observed that the mixed planting of vegetables, depending on their compatibility, significantly increases yield, while other combinations, on the contrary, may harm. For any novice gardener information, which is presented below, will be useful in the preparation of schemes to combine, which will help to combine the vegetables and get good results in harvest.

Location on. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Location on. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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good planning

In modern agriculture landing always taken into account the nuances of the compatibility of vegetables, which are tested and validated by science. When planning schemes should follow a set of rules, as with the right combination of some crops develop better, and other combinations may only interfere with their growth.

Growing carrots and radishes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing carrots and radishes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
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In addition, the joint planting of vegetables, especially in combination with the colors not only makes optimum use soil and have a positive effect on the yield of two adjacent plants, but also helps the site to look more beautiful in appearance.

Advantages of vegetable mix

It is known that many vegetables isolated compounds by which stimulates or, conversely, inhibited the growth of neighboring cultures. There are several advantages of joint planting of vegetables:

  • protection of vegetables from the sun by shading;
  • soil enrichment;
  • Blocking weed development;
  • protection from hazardous and other pests.

vegetables companions

Each culture has its own list of useful and harmful plants companion. For example, tomatoes are very well combined with carrots, dill and basil, and potatoes can not tolerate these foods. The aroma of basil protects against various pests, and carrots, dill and parsley attract beneficial insects that feed on bed bugs that damage tomatoes.

Peas prefer to be away from onions and lettuce can not be put next to the broccoli. Each vegetable has a favorite satellites and unwanted neighbors.

Watermelon and melon

Good compatibility with maize, sunflower, peas, beets and radishes. Unsuccessfully blend with cucumbers.


For joint landing approach: the tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, carrots. Bad companions: peas, beans.


Approach: the carrot, marigold, pumpkins, corn, strawberries, cabbage, cauliflower, beets, tomatoes. Unfortunate combination of garlic, leek, dill.


Suitable: corn, mint, beans, radishes, sunflowers, tomatoes, peas. Not suitable: potatoes.


Compatible with: cabbage and kale, mint, onions. Unsuccessful: different types of legumes.


Compatible with: cucumbers, beans, onions, carrots, peas, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, pumpkin. Unsuccessful: hyssop.


Suitable: onion, sage, leeks, peas, garlic, radishes, tomatoes, beans. Can not be combined: fennel, anise.


Suitable: tomatoes, beets, strawberries, potatoes, lettuce, carrots, cabbage. Unsuccessful: peas, beans, sage.


Compatible: peas, sunflower, watermelon, soybeans, beans, pumpkin. Unsuccessful: beets, celery.


Suitable: beans, flax, coriander, cabbage, corn, onions, turnips, lettuce, marigold. Unsuccessful: tomatoes, sunflower, pumpkin, cucumber.


Combined: beans, sage, beets, potatoes, celery, thyme, chamomile, onion, dill and mint. Unsuccessful: tomatoes, berries.


Suit: carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, spinach, cucumbers, turnips, eggplant, lettuce. Not suitable: the onion and garlic.


Suitable: peas, tarragon, green beans, basil, lettuce. Not suitable: tomatoes and potatoes.


Suitable: garlic, lettuce, basil, spinach, carrot, marigold, onion, cabbage, parsley, sage, Earl. Not suitable: potatoes, dill.


Compatible: basil, coriander, carrot, calendula, thyme, onion, marjoram. Not suitable: kohlrabi, fennel, beans.


Successful neighbors are: turnips, marigold, peas, corn, celery, sunflower, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage. Bad companions: dill, sage, mint, fennel.

Joint planting vegetables. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Joint planting vegetables. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Tomatoes and potatoes can not be combined together because They belong to the same family and have the same diseases and pests. Vegetables damaged identical diseases and infections that spread at the joint landing with fast speed.

Onion and garlic secrete large amounts of volatile substances and are good companions for many vegetables.
Interesting combination - Cucumbers with corn. Corn cucumber protects from the sun and at the same time enables them to totter along the high stalks.

Role of legumes: lentils, peas and beans can treat nitrogen from air. This allows them to supply the nitrogen adjacent vegetables, which significantly improves their quality. After the beans on nitrogen-rich soil is good to plant crops that are especially in need of these substances, - pumpkin and cabbage.

Not to mention the useful and beloved by all spinach that goes well with beans, potatoes, tomatoes and beets. Its foliage covers the ground and other small plants, so that protected area from drying out and the development of weeds.

Joint planting of onions and carrots vegetables allows mutually defend each other. Garlic and onions to protect the strawberries from snails, mice, and fungal diseases.

distribution of beds

Make up the beds combined in different proportions and vegetable combinations, but the most common cross beds, which contain a number of 3-4, where vegetables are alternated with each other or combined with colors that also improve their quality.

Even nature is difficult to find such sites, which grows only one culture or one type of plant. Different plants have a positive effect, complement and support each other. Just by itself it can also affect the joint planting of vegetables. Mixed vegetables allow maximum use of the site and leave no room for weeds. In addition, it does not allow the soil to dwindle.

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