Close-up of garlic crop: agricultural machinery cultivation

  • Dec 24, 2019

Garlic - a common garden plants. His spicy properties allow you to include pulp bulbs in any dishes and preparations in order to give a pungent taste and strong odor. Vegetable easy to grow at home, so it is quite popular with the local farmers.

Garlic. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Garlic. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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What determines a large crop

Varieties of garlic a lot, but they are divided into two varieties:

  • winter;
  • spring.

The difference is in the method of planting and size of ripe cloves:

  • For summer is characterized by small and numerous slices arranged in several rows. In stores this garlic is sold under the label of Chinese or other Asian varieties. Especially when planting in the garden are to spring sowing themselves cloves from the bulbs. Pick vegetables in the second half of the summer.
  • Winter easily identified by a rigid central stem. It remains of the flower stalk, which appears at the beginning of the summer and also serves the reproductive organs: it formed the flowers and seeds. Arrows often removed. Seeds are small, they grow from bulbs commodity can only be for 3 years. bulbs teeth also become larger if the plant does not bloom.
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  • There is a southern plant Rocambole resembling garlic in structure and taste. This large bulbs that exceed simple garlic in diameter 1.5-2 times. it will not be able to grow in the Non-Black Earth.

Dimensions bulbs and cloves and depend on the selected varieties. some of the best, and garlic, brought with them from other regions can not live up to expectations at the new location designed for each area. For suburbs fit "The winter Komsomolets", "anniversary", "Gribovsky 60" and so forth.

Agrotechnics winter varieties

Plot winter planting prepared in the fall. To fill the soil with fresh organic fertilizers can not: on the garlic denticles appear dry spots scab, Fusarium and others.

Growing garlic. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing garlic. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

If it is suspected that the soil is acidic, scatter for each 1 m² of 100 g of dolomite chalk and other lime.

planting time - the end of September-October. Harvested and prepared before this partially dissociated into teeth for storing the current year bulbs and use them as seed.

Planting depth is about 3-4 cm. The distance between rows or plants in a row - 5-7 cm, depending on the seed lobes.

To podmerzli landing is not in the winter, I am coming close with a thick layer of sawdust, peat, and so on. N. Garlic early start to grow, and to remove the need to shelter immediately after the snow melts, the soil warmed up to + 5 ° C and there were green shoots.

Caring for ridges produced by the general rules: watering, weeding. To get a larger bulbs, plants can feed complex fertilizers in the spring and mid-summer. Summer feeding should be performed after removal of the arrow, so that all the power went underground organs.

Cleaning is carried out, when they begin to turn yellow tips of the leaves (in early August). Overdo the garlic in the soil can not be: the bulb will be scattered and poorly kept. Vegetables should be dry, remove part of the scales and roots, stems shortened. Assign all bundled and stored in a dry place.

How to grow a summer grade

Summer called varieties that are planted in spring and harvested in late summer. Such bulbs do not form a central stem and blossom. Since they do not need to break off the arrows.

Garlic bed. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Garlic bed. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

The ridges can be prepared in spring and autumn:

  • to dig;
  • just make fertilizer (fresh organic matter does not apply).

Planting is carried out immediately after thawing of the earth. The preferred spring garlic plant rows 5-6 cm between the teeth and about 20 cm between rows. In contrast to the strong winter should not bury, t. To. The soil warms up quickly, and there will be shoots. Optimum planting depth of 2-3 cm mulch the ridge is not necessary.

Care includes standard operation. Instead of the spring fertilizing fertilizer is applied when digging, and the second is carried out during the growth of follicles, making a complex mixture of onion according to the instructions.

As in winter, a period of harvest is determined visually, on top of yellowing and drying of leaves (about the beginning of September).

When compared with winter varieties of onions and garlic chives year will be smaller. To get a larger garlic, preferably plenty of water the ridge, but not pereuvlazhnyat them, and winter and summer varieties do not grow as in shortage, and when excess moisture.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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Read more:How to grow a large crop of garlic without beds