What do the red and gold stripes, located on the form of the Red Army

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Stripes for uniform.
Stripes for uniform.

People who have seen with their own eyes is not a single photograph of the Second World War, could draw attention to the fact that some of the Red Army has some strange striped stripes. Understand the black-and-white photo that is not possible, but if you see the same pictures in color, it becomes obvious that such patches are red or gold bands. Hence a natural question - what it all means.

We will not walk around and about, and say at once that the stripes on the form of the Red Army - a distinctive sign, indicating that the fighter got injured. These identifiers are premium at the time of the Second World War, in each of the world army with the only difference being that in other countries, they often look like a premium badge. However, about everything in order.

Red Army

Stripes are clearly visible. / Photo: fishki.net.
Stripes are clearly visible. / Photo: fishki.net.

Premium sign of injury was introduced in the USSR GKO decree number 2039 dated 14 tulle 1942. It looked like a small rectangular patch dimensions 43h6 mm. It was made of silk braid. The number of stripes, as well as their deposition testimony of injuries and their severity. These patches were not only the Army, but also in the Navy of the Soviet Union.

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Red - light. Gold - hard. / Photo: forum.ww2.ru.
Red - light. Gold - hard. / Photo: forum.ww2.ru.

The right to wear the insignia were soldiers who were injured during the performance of their duty. Each wound (as well as burns and frostbite) were confirmed by a medical certificate from the hospital, where a fighter undergoing treatment.

It can be seen in old photographs. / Photo: ok.ru. Advertising.
It can be seen in old photographs. / Photo: ok.ru. Advertising

What do the different colors and the number of bars? So one dark red stripe - a slight injury. Accordingly, the two bands - two slightly wounded. Gold braid instead of red meant seriously wounded. Two - two seriously wounded. Bands were combined and alternated depending on the number of wounds their severity. For example, two gold and one dark red braids meant that a soldier was seriously wounded by 2 times and 1 times easily.


Wound Badge Nazi Germany's third degree. Second degree - silver. First - gold. / Photo: forum.guns.ru.
Wound Badge Nazi Germany's third degree. Second degree - silver. First - gold. / Photo: forum.guns.ru.

The award for being wounded in Germany was even before the Nazis came to power. Award badge "For the wounded" during the Second World War was adopted in Germany in 1939 and relied soldiers and officers who have been wounded or mutilated during the fighting in a clash with adversary. Up until 1942, the Nazis used the old award during the First World War who underwent "ideological revision." A medal just fasten a swastika.

Sign confirming the wounded soldier or an officer of the German army during the First World War. / Photo: forum.ww2.ru.
Sign confirming the wounded soldier or an officer of the German army during the First World War. / Photo: forum.ww2.ru.

In 1942, the sign "For the wounded" suffered a new, albeit not a significant improvement. Last time the award was changed in 1944. At the end of the war, the Nazis handed out badges not only wounded soldiers and officers, but also the citizens of the German victims of Allied and Soviet air raids.

Editor's note: Photos with the swastika reflect historical reality and is for information only. The specific publication of the images is not aimed at the promotion of German fascism.

And further

But this award during the war, soldiers relied sister (at the time) the UK.

Sign for getting injured during their military duty in the UK fulfillment. / Photo: forum.ww2.ru.
Sign for getting injured during their military duty in the UK fulfillment. / Photo: forum.ww2.ru.

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