We use old newspapers and cardboard for the benefit of the garden

  • Dec 27, 2019

Each person at home sooner or later accumulate a large number of disposable paper. Newspapers, drawings, notebooks, cardboard boxes - all thrown in the trash or give up. And very much in vain. After all, paper can be very useful for the garden and gardening life.

In this article I want to talk about how to use an old paper in his garden.

1. Paper pots for seedlings

At the beginning of the season I have accumulated over the winter use newspapers and magazines to create a paper cup. Despite its unprepossessing appearance, they perfectly retain their shape, do not break away from moisture and subsequently planted in the flower bed along with the seedlings. Very convenient and practical.

In order to make such a cup, you do not need to be a master of origami. Enough to lay down a sheet of newsprint 4 times and wrap her tall glass beaker. To create the bottom of a paper wrap inside. If the cup for a long time does not work, you can seal the edges of the paper stapler or a small piece of adhesive tape. But, in this case, before planting need to tear off the tape.

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In addition to old newspapers, cups for seedlings can be done from an ordinary toilet paper sleeve.

Do not use instant water sleeves, they lose their shape and burst at the first watering.

In order to not fall cups, firmly put them in a plastic box. Besides the support, this box will accumulate excess moisture after watering, and keep clean the windowsill or balcony.

2. As a basis for insect repellents

The paper decomposes quickly without causing any harm to the vegetable garden and plants. That is why it has so many uses. This is based on our next method.

Soak the paper a small amount of essential oils of mint, basil, cloves or other liquid insect daunting. Put these repellents next to the beds and pests Will fly them by. And when the time comes, the paper "dissolve" without causing any harm to the soil.

3. As drainage improvised

Paper perfectly absorbs moisture so it can be used as an improvised drainage. For this purpose, beds Cover the lower layer several layers of old newspapers and sheets of notebooks. This drainage will allow the soil to remain dry for longer, which is very fond of some horticultural crops.

Never use in the garden and glossy photo paper. They are composed of many harmful substances and badly decomposed.

4. Mulching

Mulching earth old newspapers and paper is an excellent way to get rid of weeds predominant amount. Weed plants simply do not have enough sunlight and the strength to climb. This will allow fertile cultures obtained from the ground as much nutrients as possible.

Use may be as a whole sheets and chopped / torn pieces.

In addition to weeds, a paper deck will reduce the risk of contracting diseases lurking in the ground, for example Phytophthora.

5. Layer when storing vegetables

Used newspaper and for long term storage of vegetables. They are used as spacers between the fruits.

Each fruit can be wrapped individually, and only layers can be separated.

Paper helps vegetables to retain its own moisture, which will increase the shelf life.

6. As raw material for composting

In combination with dry straw or grass, paper can serve as an excellent raw material for composting. Previously, the sheets should be finely cut and stretch.

Before you cut the sheets into smaller pieces, it is better to stretch. This can be done by hand. This procedure is done for better moisture absorption and rapid degradation.

7. As a basis for warm beds

If you decide to organize a warm bed of paper will be a perfect bottom layer. It will allow for a long time to keep warm, and then saturate the soil and dissolve cellulose. Suitable not only an old newspaper and magazine pages (Non-glossy)But cardboard boxes.

These tips will help to use the old paper for the benefit of the garden and the garden. Start saving paper waste can have a fall, as I do.

The original of this article, as well as other materials of the suburban way of life, you can find on my site - Useful use of newspapers and cardboard in the garden