Getting rid of ants in a glasshouse using a compress on the basis of ammonia

  • Dec 27, 2019
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Photos: Summer worker
Photos: Summer worker

The appearance of ants in the greenhouse can be identified by the small grooves and holes on the surface of the soil. Usually, the deepening of the following chain of one another, turning into a winding path. Such moves are only a small part of an underground warren, which goes deep into the ground. Ants, frequently appear on the surface, too, are only a small fraction of all the inhabitants of the underground house.

Despite the fact that the garden ants improves the soil and combat pests, the appearance of these insects in the greenhouse does not bode well.

  • Firstly, in the course of their life ants destroy seeds, shoots of young plants and soft plant tissues;
  • Secondly, ants painful bite, and their acid may cause an allergic reaction. Work in an environment of these insects often impossible;
  • Third, the ants try to settle near a plant louse, which destroyed the plant will feed them sweet nectar;
  • Fourthly, during the construction of underground tunnels, ants cause irreparable damage to the roots of nearby plants.
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After weighing all the pros and cons, most gardeners come to the conclusion that getting rid of the uninvited guests need immediately. However, to do this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Why is it so difficult to get rid of ants in the greenhouse

Photos: Summer worker
Photos: Summer worker

Despite the fact that the greenhouse seems closed space, the ants can easily penetrate into it through many small holes and underground passages. Therefore, pest control can go far beyond the greenhouse and in most cases is not limited to one treatment.

Ants like to build their homes in secure and remote places. In the greenhouse, it may be corners, underground structural elements and cracks in the foundation. Because of this, not always possible to completely dig up the anthill and to reach the bulk of the pests.

Each socket has a plurality of outlets disposed away from the main portion. This design makes it difficult to search and destroy insects.

Further features ant pest control is complicated by the large number of cultures. Tomatoes, tomatoes, and other useful plants are so close to each other that any action will be applied to them harm.

Therefore, the easiest way to prevent the appearance of ants with the help of simple preventive action. However, if you miss the time of settlement and ants have settled, will have to deal with them at all times.

Getting rid of the ants, which already curled in a greenhouse

Photos: Summer worker
Photos: Summer worker

The shops sell a variety of different chemicals to fight with garden ants, but under greenhouse conditions their application unjustified and could be dangerous. The thing is that the ant-hill is located underground between closely entwined by roots of plants. The use of chemicals is in direct contact with the vegetable crops and the potential contamination of the fruit.

The use of hot ash and boiling water also entail serious consequences. Excavating nest we pluck the roots and wire processing, causes burns. After such action cultivated plants are experiencing severe stress.

To combat the ants in the greenhouse without the need for a method of chemical and physical impact on landing. In this way, a compress on the basis of ammonia.

The method is very simple, but fully satisfies our requirements. It is safe for plants and damaging to the ants. Its essence is as follows.

  • It is necessary to take a thick cloth, which absorbs the liquid. In my opinion, it is best to use natural cotton;
  • Cut several fabric patch size of two times more than the visible parts ant;
  • Impregnate the cloth with ammonia purchased in a pharmacy or horticultural product;
  • We impose our patches for all visible parts of the anthill soaked face to the ground;
  • Cover with a cloth wrap or other material is not breathable;
  • Presses the film weighting. It is best to use a hefty pieces of linoleum or scrap rubber mat. That is, the material is uniformly crimping patches over the whole surface;
  • We reserve our compress for 3 days. The weighting does not raise even a second during this time.
Please note that work with ammonia need a respirator or a gauze bandage. It is important to protect the respiratory tract from corrosive vapors.

The method consists in the fact that all the moves anthill soaked pungent odor of ammonia. Ants can not be long in these conditions, and will soon leave the place of his stay.

In the first week you need to remain vigilant and regularly inspect the greenhouse. After the first procedure is a good chance that pests will move to the other corner of the greenhouse. If this occurs, repeat the above steps again. After several pests procedures permanently abandoned greenhouse.

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For other ways of dealing with the ants you can read on my site - How to get rid of aphids and ants on the trees at the same time