How to get rid of the mice in the country: cheap but effective way

  • Dec 27, 2019
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Mice - very unpleasant neighbors for any summer resident. In addition, they spoil and destroy the food, the remnants of their life (droppings, fur, scales) can be dangerous to humans. The presence of these rodents in the kitchen leads to food poisoning, allergic reactions, and a number of other nice little consequences.

Unfortunately, to fully protect your country site from the appearance of the mice can not. Even if you follow the full procedure, store food in inaccessible places, regularly throw trash, these rodents will still be happy to dwell in your area.

Independent attempts to get rid of mice often fails. This rodent is very fast, agile and intelligent enough. More often than not, we see only traces of his presence, not the pest.

How I got rid of mice

I have bred a mouse in the summer kitchen. It's certainly better than the house itself, but also nothing pleasant. Pretty old building is stranded on land attracted mice, their "cellar". Getting there was no longer possible, but the rodents perfectly mastered territory.

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The first traces of habitation rodents appeared in the spring, when we started the holiday season. Therefore, a close eye on the pest was not.

The first thing I do is to contact a specialist service. He described the situation, the approximate number of rodent damage and asked to calculate the cost. Exact price can not remember, but for travel, treatment, medications and cleaning I counted the same amount that it was easier to track down the most rodent. Besides that I was most disappointed guarantee was given only a few months. In relation to the whole it was pointless. I had to find their own methods of struggle.

One of the most affordable ways to ward off mice were herbs and plants. Mint, elderberries, wormwood - all that were hung in the kitchen and did not bring any effect. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe the mice were wrong, but the result was absent.

Processing of all the holes leading into the cellar with ash, also came to nothing lead. Perhaps this method is effective when a large number of ash. But do not fill up as makeshift me all ashes and coals.

It should say that in my neighborhood live two cats, but that's just a mouse probably about it did not know. No sense was not on them. Maybe cats were not mine and not want to once again work? I do not know...

After a long agony, I still managed to find a way that helped. Now I tell.

The method

Use mouse trap and poison, I would not. I feel sorry even these vermin like mice. They are not to blame for the fact that spoil our lives.

Therefore, try to become the way of glue by the rodents. Its essence is that the rodent running through the adhesive surface sticks and have to wait for their fate. If you use glue in the basement and did not check the bait adhering mouse may die. But, I had to bring the mouse out of a summer kitchen, which I enjoyed every day.

So I cut a long strip of cardboard the width of 5 cm and placed them in a grid on the floor. On each strip, I paid a special glue on the rodents. Between a bait holds together.

Buy glue by the rodents may be in any gardening store for 150 rubles. It is not expensive in comparison with the call spec. services. It is better to buy at once two tubes.

This grid I started to leave in the evening on the kitchen floor. In the morning, if nothing happens, simply remove it. On the fourth day I come and see - all scattered bait, and in the lump cut paper is a mouse. Great, I thought, and took the paper to the forest together with the prisoner. Immediately seized with a spatula to pull out the poor. It was not easy and the animal lost some hair. On the other hand, he was still alive and no longer came to see me.

Here's a simple and relatively humane way.

The original of this article, as well as other materials about the pests, you can find on my site - How to get rid of the mice in the country: cheap but effective way