How to destroy the ants in the garden: a quick and free way

  • Dec 27, 2019

Harm that cause the vegetable garden ants disproportionately associated benefits. That's why I'm fighting with ants, but do not leave them, as some gardeners. Yes, these insects have a positive side, for example:

  • The ants protect the site from some species of caterpillars, larvae, and ticks;
  • Due to its underground tunnels, ants improve soil structure;
  • Ants saturate the soil with potassium and phosphorus;
  • Ants carry and spread the seeds of some plants.

Yes, it really pros, but they do not play an important role in Ogorodny case.

Protection against harmful insects and caterpillars is not so massive. Pests still live in the area in excess. The soil structure is improved only in places of mass ant habitat where to plant vegetable crops is simply impossible. The content of calcium and phosphorus also increases only in the places where these insects. And the fact that the ants carry the seeds of some plants, does not help ordinary gardeners.

But the problems that come along with the ants, are widespread and serious. Here are some of them:

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  • Ants contribute to reproduction and distribution of aphids. And the pest can destroy the entire trees, not to mention the bushes and other garden crops;
  • Their activities, ants disturb the root system of many plants, that leads to their death. And even if the culture does not die, it becomes less fertile;
  • Ants deliver a lot of trouble, and most gardeners. While working in the garden, they Zalazane under clothes, crawl and often bite. These crafty insects would get even the most patient;
  • In an effort to enjoy the sweet juice, ants damage the buds of many garden flowers. And such cases are widespread.

In addition, get rid of ants is very difficult. They multiply rapidly and migrate to nearby areas. However, still there are ways that can reduce the population of these insects in the dozens of times. I'll tell only about what she enjoyed.

I have tried a variety of methods in an attempt to bring the ants from the area ranging from the most popular and ending frankly absurd. Among them were ways to deal with the help of semolina, fragrant plants, and boiling water. Some were given temporary results, and on some there were no avail.

Once I even heard about a method of repression. She, however, did not use. The author proposes to gather in the forest anthill bag to bring to his garden and play off insects. According to him, forest ants displace the garden, and then return back to the forest.
To be honest, I thought it was such a nonsense.

As a result, after a long search, I came across a method that still helped bring these pesky insects on a long enough period.

The essence of my method

The essence of the method is to poison the ants hot ash. Everything happens quickly enough, the fight will have to spend an evening. In addition, we do not need purchased drugs and mixtures.

During the week, while working in the garden, mark the nest of ants with chopsticks and place of their clusters. At the end of the week day kindle the fire of birch and pine wood. It is desirable for a fire to put the metal sheet to the ash of the ash is not left in the ground.

Once the first batch of wood will burn down, collect hot ash and attack the first ant. It is necessary to rapidly stir the slot, whereupon a thick evenly sprinkle it with hot ash. All this is done at the time of the burning of the second batch of firewood. This procedure is necessary to carry out all the jacks.

Hot ash not only instantly kill ants on the surface, but also to poison those who are deep in the earth. The main thing is to sprinkle a thick layer to cover the exits and air.

A method for simple, fast, but it requires a little intelligence nests.

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