How to determine when trees fall watering is needed, and when the water is already enough

  • Dec 27, 2019

When I first started gardening, I was always tormented by the question. How do I determine whether to make an autumn watering trees or natural moisture is enough.

Confused by the fact that the October rains are indicative of wealth moisture. Very often, even after prolonged rain water penetrates the soil only 30-40 cm. And this for the fall watering is not enough.

At that time, I was a novice gardener and could not rely on their intuition. Therefore, to use an old and proven method to me. About it today and will be discussed.

The method

It's simple enough. In order to ensure that the necessary winter watering, you need to perform the procedure, which consists of several steps.

  • Dig near tree pit depth of 0.5 meters. (If you start to dig too close - to damage the roots. If too far - you get the wrong information. The distance depends on the tree and the volume of the root system);
  • Scoop mug earth from the bottom. (It is best to use a glass or mug. So it will be easier to maintain the natural moisture level in the soil sample);
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  • Spread in a dry room and the paper put on it the earth; (Do not use paper with a glossy finish. The experiment does not give proper results);
  • Wait 30 seconds. If the paper gets wet - trees do not need to be watered. If the paper is dry or slightly damp - trees need watering.

In order to ensure reliability of the result, it is possible to make the 2 nd or 3 hole. The more you check the soil samples - the more accurate the result.

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