Make a yeast feeding: 5 unique recipes

  • Dec 27, 2019
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In search of natural and affordable fertilizer, I have tried many different recipes. One of the most effective were feeding on the basis of common baker's yeast. I immediately liked these fertilizers.

First, yeast there is always at hand, and if not, they can be found in any grocery store.

Secondly, the cost of yeast minimal, especially compared to the purchase of fertilizers.

Third, there is a lot of nutrients in the yeast. They are rich in protein, amino acids and organic iron.

Yeast feeding like all vegetables and most flowers. After all, their own yeast, is:

  • Stimulator growth and development of plant tissue;
  • The source of many useful microorganisms;
  • Stimulator of root development. Yeast increases the number of roots, which improves the suction capability;

In addition, regular feeding yeast enhance plant immunity, making it stronger and sturdier. They are completely natural, so they can be used at any stage of development and fruiting.

And now let's go directly to the recipes themselves.

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Recipe 1. Infusion with green grass and bread

In a 100 liter barrel with water, mix:

  • 2 buckets of weeds without roots and seed pods;
  • 1 kg of dried black or old bread;
  • 0.5 kg. cooks yeast.

Close the lid and the barrel insist for 48 hours. Our dressing is ready. it is not necessary to dilute anything, just have to mix the contents. Before applying the filter.

Recipe 2. Infusion with ascorbic acid

The 10-liter bucket water add 2 tablespoons dry yeast, 4 tablespoons sugar and 2 packets (2.5 grams) of ascorbic acid.

Cover with a lid and bucket infused for 24 hours. Before applying breed infusion water at a ratio of 1 to 10.

Recipe 3. normal yeast

Add 200 grams of dry yeast in a bucket of water, stir and immediately applied as a top dressing. The easiest recipe that did not require time.

Recipe 4. Infusion with "moist" yeast

Take a bucket with clean, warm water and add the 120 grams of "crude" yeast. Stir, cover with a lid and leave it in this state for 24 hours. Top dressing is ready for use. Nothing plant is not necessary.

Recipe 5. Infusion with sugar

Take a bucket with clean, warm water and add the 100 grams of dry yeast, and a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Mix solution and cover lid. As such, we insist 3-4 hours. Infusion diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5 or use as a dressing.

These simple, but at the same time very necessary and useful fertilizing, can replace many expensive purchased fertilizers.

Using yeast, you do not need to give up other fertilizers. Yeast feeding stimulants are good growth and development, but still have a part of all the essential nutrients.

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