Useful application of Coke in the garden: 4 fashion

  • Dec 27, 2019
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Many gardeners have long noticed that Coca-Cola can be not only delicious carbonated beverage, but also a great help in the garden and the garden. Today I want to talk about 4 ways beneficial use of this beverage in the home gardening. I will not describe how to use Coca-Cola to remove rust and coating. The question will be only about plants and gardens.

Coca-Cola has several advantages over many other folk remedies, it is:

  • Sold in any store;
  • It should be quite a bit;
  • Available in a variety of volumes;
  • In the garden you can use the remnants of a drink after dinner.
It is said that in this article focuses only on the Coca-Cola. Methods will not work if you apply Pepsi Cola or other similar drinks. We are important not taste, as contained in the composition of trace elements.

1. For the prevention of late blight

Coca-Cola is perfect for preventing such a dangerous and widespread diseases such as late blight. To prepare the treatment solution, we need:

  • Milk serum;
  • Coca Cola;
  • Water;
  • Tin pail.

Fill the bucket 9 liters of clean water, adding to 250 ml. Coca-Cola and half a liter of serum. Thoroughly mix until smooth.

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Processing plant should be from the beginning of July to mid-August, with an interval of one week. It was during this period phytophthora is gaining momentum and actively affects the plant tissues.

Produced by solution film wraps leaves and stem, preventing the ingress of harmful bacteria.

2. compost

In pure form, Coca-Cola is often used as a stimulator of putrefaction and decomposition process for compost pit. All the matter it contains sugar and phosphoric acid.

Suffice it to water the compost pit 2nd liters of fizzy drink and occasionally dig content. If necessary, the compost can moisten water.

This method allows to speed up the process of "maturation" of compost 2-4 times.

3. Remedy against pests

Coca-Cola perfectly struggling with many garden pests, such as aphids, Colorado potato beetle, and even slugs.

For combating aphid suitable solution of water and a carbonated beverage in the proportions of 2 to 7. Fairly regularly spray the affected plants for 2 weeks and will be destroyed by aphids.

The solution with the content of Coca-Cola is not suitable for the control of ants.

Coca-Cola is suitable as bait for snails and slugs. Sugar contained in the drink, attract pests and acid will play the role of poison.

A solution of water and Coca-Cola scare capable of Colorado potato beetle on your potato. Enough to dissolve 2 liters of Coke to 4 liters of water and a few times to treat the affected plants.

4. Fertilizer for plants

Moderate Coke solution can be used as a top dressing for virtually all horticultural crops. In small amounts, trace elements contained in the beverage are useful for plants.

To prepare the solution must be mixed 10 liters of water and 3 table spoons of the beverage. Such a low concentration is due to the risk of acidification of the soil. In large quantities, the Coca-Cola makes the soil acidic, which is not like many horticultural crops.

Indeed, for a man of Coca-Cola good health it brings, but in the garden and at home a variety of uses can be found for her.

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