We use mustard powder against garden pests

  • Dec 27, 2019

Not many people know, but the mustard powder is an excellent remedy against many garden pests, including: Colorado potato beetle, snail, onion and carrot fly.

The main advantage of mustard powder - it is absolutely safe for humans, animals and plants. Also, another important factor is the price. There is this "miracle cure" for 10 rubles per 100 grams. In addition, the mustard does not accumulate in the soil and plants, which is common to many chemical agents.

So, let's move on to specific recipes.

1. Colorado beetle

Especially effective mustard powder in combating the spread of the parasite, as the Colorado potato beetle. If you are ever faced with the invasion of this pest, you know how difficult it is to get rid of him.

We will need the usual tin pail, 250 grams of mustard powder and a little vinegar.

  • We pour a bucket full of hot, but not boiling, water;
  • Adding water to 250 grams of mustard powder and thoroughly mixed;
  • Keeping the solution for about three hours until water almost cools;
  • Adding 4 tablespoons 9% vinegar;
  • Stir.
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Infusion is ready. In dry weather, the bushes need to handle no more than 1 time per week. If the weather is wet, the number of treatments should be increased to 2-3 times.

2. Slugs and snails

Snails and slugs are the real threat to many horticultural crops. In large quantities, they can destroy almost everything that grows in the garden. Therefore, since it is important to have an effective improvised means, which is able to scare these pests.

Mustard powder will help us in the fight, and with these parasites. To scare away snails and slugs, enough to sprinkle the powder of their habitats, "trails" and the land between the beds.

The method consists in the fact that mustard burn the mucous membrane, which greatly do not like the pest. Therefore, the parasites will try to get away from your flower beds.

3. onion fly

Against onion fly perfect mixture of wood ash and mustard powder. This tool is perfectly deters pest and gives a chance to the young onions to fully develop and gain momentum.

Wood ash must be mixed with the mustard powder in a proportion of 3 to 10. Such mixture must first sprinkle aisles, and after shallow fluffing. Do not be afraid that the mustard powder burn the bulbs. Plants it will not cause any harm.

Wire processing costs 3-4 times with an interval of one and a half weeks.

It is important that wood ash was clean. That is, there was obtained only by burning natural wood without adding paint, plastic, polyethylene, nails, etc.

4. carrot fly

It helps mixture of mustard powder and wood ash also from carrot fly. Since the pest is attacking our gardens throughout the season, the processing should spend every two weeks starting in May.

5. Aphid

One of the most common and dangerous pests - aphids, too afraid of mustard. To combat it should be diluted in a 20 liter bucket 100-120 grams of mustard powder, solution let stand for about 2 days and then diluted with the same amount of water. A solution ready for use.

Infected plants must be treated with a solution liberally every two weeks until the complete disappearance of the pest.

That is such a useful and indispensable tool turned out to be a simple mustard powder, which is sold in any grocery store.

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