5 common mistakes when planting winter garlic

  • Dec 27, 2019
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The beginning of October, which means that it's time to plant winter garlic. In this short article I want to talk about the main mistakes that gardeners when planting this kind of garlic.

I want to say at once, all these mistakes I ever committed myself, so experienced all on personal experience. If you have anything to add - share your experiences in the comments, I will try to read and take into account the following year when planting.

1. Too loose earth

We begin, perhaps, with the most common mistake made by most gardeners. This planting garlic in the loose / dug earth. Do it in any case impossible. After the bed has been dug, the land must be given to settle and consolidate. Otherwise, garlic together with the ground will go too far and start to rot.

In order to ground the donkey and became dense flower bed should be regularly watered.

You should not overdo it, too, if compacted soil too much, in the spring of land can "squeeze" garlic on the surface, leading to death of the plant.
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2. Landing on the same place

Never plant the winter garlic in the same place where he grew up in the past year. The thing is that after the "first generation", the land may remain pests and diseases that will be passed immediately to the young garlic.

In addition, the "second-generation" will experience a shortage of important cultural trace elements and minerals as they "consume" the first generation.

Best of all, plant winter garlic to a new flower bed, where previously grown:

  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • Cabbage;
  • Various greens.

But, never do not put into place carrots or onions.

3. The use of nitrogen fertilizers

In order to give a full harvest, winter garlic should be beneficial to winter. Therefore, it is not necessary to apply any nitrogen fertilizer in the fall. They will promote a set of "green mass", which will lead to freezing and garlic death.

4. Earlier, the division head on teeth

Vacationers rarely pay attention to such time as the division heads of garlic cloves on. However, it is very important.

Never separate the head in advance, always do this before boarding checking each tooth. (For example, in the evening, before the next planting day) Also, do not take the head consisting of only 2-3 cloves.

5. Lack of disinfection before planting

Many gardeners know, but for some reason forget to disinfect the garlic cloves before planting. This is a very important and fairly simple process. Do not need to buy any special tools, it will be enough a simple solution of potassium permanganate. (The weak solution teeth soaked for 60-90 minutes).

In this case, disinfection will help get rid of many harmful bacteria and viruses, which can manifest itself in the future.

By following these simple rules, you can be sure that the harvest will be a healthy and great.

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